Example sentences of "[v-ing] what [noun pl] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Unsurprisingly , in the face of this evidence caution has been expressed : ‘ Promoting a large counselling service in general practice before establishing what benefits accrue from this service is unwise . ’
2 Scientists will study forests in south-east Asian countries , with a view to establishing what conditions produce the highest carbon dioxide absorption .
3 If they 're knocked over , the paraffin leaks and ignites , causing what firefighters say are some of the worst fires .
4 In deciding what words mean for the purpose of defamation , the intention of the writer or speaker is largely irrelevant .
5 A more positive view of women readers has been suggested by , for instance , analysing what girls say about their reading ( Frazer 1987 ) , or by examining the ways in which they incorporate its models into their own writing .
6 He also comes very close to describing what anthropologists have actually found is the case as regards property in pre-capitalist systems .
7 Reluctantly the shoes are bought , for who would wish their son to attract comment for not wearing what others wear .
8 They are experiencing what women have always known — that the life-sustaining relationships that enable us to grit our teeth and pick our way through the mess made by men , to endure and to survive , are those we share with other women : our mothers , our sisters , our neighbours and friends .
9 As well as stressing the dangers to the unity of the United Kingdom , the Tory campaign will concentrate this week on emphasising what ministers claim is the threat to recovery that would be posed by a Labour government , particularly the likelihood of an immediate increase in interest rates .
10 It is precisely because our own human senses are not capable of doing what bats do that we find it hard to believe .
11 Thus when determining what contracts fall within or outside the ambit of s 3 , issues of reasonableness , equality of bargaining power and the possibility of negotiation are in fact not very relevant , except in so far as they could move a judge to finding that terms were standard or not in borderline cases .
12 If we ask the acoustic front end to leave some of the labelling to lexical access it will do so with a vengeance since it has no way of knowing what dilemmas need resolving at the lexical level .
13 Appreciating what bills get enacted , in what form , and then what monies are appropriated to fund their implementation requires an understanding of how Congress conducts its business , and how its members are influenced , by the President , by other members , and by outside interests , including their own constituents .
14 This three year research project seeks to remedy this shortcoming by examing what solicitors do , from the moment a defendant first seeks legal advice to the time of disposition .
15 There is a suggestion too that poor readers are deficient in an internal articulatory code ( Briggs and Underwood , 1987 ) , and that this is in itself a source of difficulty insofar as it deprives them of one lexical route — that is , one way of identifying what words mean .
16 This might be thought to throw into disarray our grounds for specifying what animals see , hear , and otherwise sense .
17 The 25 pictures on temporary show in Glasgow 's Converse Gallery are a sample of about 200 photographs and instruments of torture from a Belgrade exhibition countering what sympathisers describe as Western censorship of the horror and cruelty suffered by Serbian minorities in the civil war .
18 A formidable profile is supplemented by an amazing mechanical ability in a power game where hands and minds do not usually work together , and by a talent for dissecting what others say .
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