Example sentences of "[v-ing] if there be " in BNC.

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1 Your driving down the road , and you carry on driving if there 's no cross-roads .
2 As an aside , the need to drawn up a will becomes particularly pressing if there are children to be considered , and do n't forget that marriage revokes the will of either partner , unless that is , it was drawn up in anticipation of the wedding .
3 You can find out a lot by seeing if there is bedlam in the playground or if there are lots of crisp packets and chocolate papers scattered about — this will give you clues to how the school is managed .
4 So we get involved quite a lot in looking at teaching in various parts of the university where people want us to , very often involving the students as well as the other teachers in looking at a particular course and seeing if there are ways in which perhaps it might be taught differently or in a way that worked better .
5 ‘ How about seeing if there 's anyone in the salon ?
6 It 's alright , I 'm just seeing if there was any tea in it .
7 This Summer Disney finally relented and allowed alcohol to be sold after they realized that the French were not interested in eating if there was no drink on offer .
8 Held , allowing the appeal , that the retraction by a witness in extradition proceedings of evidence previously given in the requesting state did not in itself discredit that evidence and , unless it was worthless , the magistrate was entitled to act upon it in deciding whether there was sufficient evidence to justify an order for committal ; that , equally , a witness 's evidence was not to be automatically discredited by virtue of that witness having been an alleged accomplice of the accused ; and that the magistrate had given proper consideration to the retraction of P. 's evidence and to his being an alleged accomplice when deciding if there was sufficient evidence to justify the applicant 's committal ; that , further , since the provision in article 1 of the Treaty allowing for extradition in respect of offences ‘ committed within the territory of the requesting party ’ having been extended by article 3(2) to cover participation in extradition offences punishable by the laws of both states , the lack of evidence of the applicant 's presence in Sweden at the relevant time did not take the offences outside the ambit of the Treaty ; that under Schedule 1 to the Act of 1989 the magistrate was concerned only with committal proceedings under English procedure in relation to the English crimes specified in the order to proceed and not with the jurisdiction of the Swedish court ; and that , accordingly , the magistrate had been entitled to commit the applicant ( post , pp. 846D–F , 850F — 851A , E — 852C , 853A ) .
9 Mr Miles said : ‘ Nobody would be wanting to keep machinery going if there is no hope for Tim 's survival . ’
10 but erm I do n't actually think that there was revolution in process going if there was , if you know , a hu a huge increase in
11 I may read the papers , or perhaps just stay in bed wondering if there 's anything on the doorstep .
12 ‘ I just keep wondering if there 's another way of approaching the problem … ’
13 Mhm yeah and erm that kind of thing comes into it so that I was wondering if there 's any way of er kind of y'know and what y'know where 's that something about changing changing changing changing rooms somewhere ?
14 Yeah mm yeah so erm I was wondering if there 's any way of er incorporating that .
15 Our timber floor is made of attractive boards in good condition , so I 'm wondering if there are any problems with staining them and then finishing them using a clear varnish .
16 I was working on a basic cable pattern , but now I 'm wondering if there are other clever cables to be made this way .
17 Jack paused indecisively , looking back at the Glory and wondering if there was any connection between its abandoned state and the mysterious figures on the hill .
18 ‘ Never mind , ’ she said , surveying the cramped space between the tiers of bunks , wondering if there was room to sit upright .
19 She looked up at the clock , wondering if there was time for a pot of tea before lunch , but deciding that the second gong would sound soon , and she could wait .
20 He sat watching the girl , wondering if there was any way of getting behind the mask .
21 I was wondering if there was any way we could stay on ? ’
22 I 'm going to the Swindon match next Saturday & I was wondering if there was any chance of a lift from deepest London ?
23 Her face flamed and she glared at him , wondering if there was n't a grain of truth in what he said .
24 Leith finally drifted off into a troubled sleep , wondering if there was any greater torment than that of loving unwisely .
25 ‘ And then , well , although I 'd felt that my outburst at the time of Simon 's death had wrecked our relationship , I found myself wondering if there was a chance of rekindling it .
26 Jed was coming up to five years old , very bright but also very quiet … so quiet that she worried sometimes , wondering if there were things wrong that he was n't telling her .
27 I originally had this idea through the workers union in Manchester , and I was wondering if there were any comparative studies that were happening at the same time , and that would be really interesting to see how Oxford compares to other areas .
28 Additional difficulties in this piece of work lay in distinguishing if there was brain failure , a part of the dementing process , or a life-long pattern of domineering behaviour within the household accompanied by short term memory lapses .
29 The safety of the free world is in your hands Sly , do n't let it end with a bang ( though that 's what I 'll be doing if there 's a nuclear holocaust ! ) .
30 They then knock at solicitors ' doors , presenting their credentials and asking if there is a vacancy for an articled clerk .
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