Example sentences of "[v-ing] or not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover — another fruitful borrowing from physics — Pasteur discovered in 1848 that chemically identical substances could be physically distinct , e.g. rotating or not rotating the plane of polarised light .
2 School makes me nervous ; when I walk down the corridor I feel that everyone is staring at me , and because a lot of people know about my anorexia they think it their job to comment constantly on what I am eating or not eating , and how much better I look now that I 've put on weight .
3 And if you 're not satisfied with what is happening or not happening you should say something but grandma insists that she must n't upset
4 ‘ They 'd find it for you fast enough , ’ he went on , either not noticing or not caring about the embarrassment of his host .
5 When faced with the choice of believing or not believing , Pascal , a gambling man , reckoned that the consequences of not believing and being wrong ( eternal damnation ) were infinitely worse than believing and being wrong , so he chose to believe .
6 Simultaneously , in Fangorn Forest , Gandalf , Saruman and Treebeard himself are wandering , meeting or not meeting seemingly at random .
7 I think their nonchalance about not caring or not giving a damn about record sales is just not true .
8 " I do n't spend much time thinking about liking or not liking , " he said .
9 Yep Morning yep Wonder how his romance is going or not going .
10 ‘ He may be coming back , you know , ’ Any said , ignoring or not noticing Ted 's remark .
11 ( If the expression ‘ form of life ’ is found puzzling , think of what life would be like if we never asked people to do or not to do things , never apologised for doing or not doing things , and so on . )
12 What are we doing or not doing in Scotland that is alienating from us our natural Scottish supporters ? ’
13 Arguments can be posed for mixing or not mixing and examples of excellent practice can be found , but it is vital that whatever conclusions are finally arrived at they come from a true understanding of what day care in any particular instance is trying to achieve for its attenders and their carers .
14 Knowing or not knowing the title of the passage had a significant effect on recall , as did word order .
15 Sometimes the purpose is simply intimidatory , as with the racist march , rather than an attempt to coerce persons into taking or not pursuing any particular course of action , and it is difficult to see that conditions could be imposed on a ‘ racist ’ march on this ground alone .
16 The idea of its hurting or not hurting had n't occurred to me before , but now he mentioned it , it did seem preferable that it should n't .
17 Excluding those sponsored by an employer , SERC students were finding or not finding jobs much in line with other sources of funding .
18 All of this unavoidably suggested that the ‘ central question in the debates now under way in the country is the question of recognising or not recognising the leading role of the party and the working class in socialist construction , and hence in restructuring ’ .
19 Chapters Four to Seven , which present the research findings , examine : whether the project made any difference to those who received it , compared with those who did not , in terms of institutionalisation , mental or emotional well-being , self-care capacity or receipt of other community services ( Chapter Four ) ; the effects of the project upon the principal informal carers of the dementia sufferers ( Chapter Five ) ; the major costs of community care for those receiving or not receiving support from the project ( Chapter Six ) ; and the limits to care , that is , the characteristics or circumstances of those who could not be supported at home for long even with the Home Support Project ( Chapter Seven ) .
20 However , a new problem arises — that of selection due to differential recruitment of those receiving or not receiving X. For example if , after a TV programme on violence in society , we sample to compare the opinions of those who watched it with those who did not on the question of bringing back corporal punishment , can we assume that the subpopulations of watchers and non-watchers are otherwise similar ?
21 It is not an either/or question of watching or not watching television Parents can also interpret and explain programmes ( especially the awful , bloody images of newsreels ) which raise worried questions from their offspring .
22 So it 's either setting or not setting the weights and in the N tuple rule all we do is in fact set the weights .
23 These men , either forgetting or not realising that work is but a component of life and not a reason for it , are likely to have spent too much time working , to the exclusion of family and leisure activities .
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