Example sentences of "[v-ing] that [noun sg] was " in BNC.

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1 For a start he was preaching that assurance was essential for salvation ; that is , you could know within you that you were well and truly saved .
2 Halting that activity was the objective of the exercise , not the capture of an enormous haul of drugs .
3 For the careful and conscientious journalist or broadcaster , the legal meaning of " malice " provides vital protection for honest comment , the more so , because the burden of proving that malice was the dominant motive rests on the plaintiff .
4 In line with his overall political goal of proving that Labour was ‘ fit to govern ’ , Macdonald abandoned the visions of democratic diplomacy which had so excited him in 1917 and proceeded to adjust to the reality of a balance of power mediated through the League , helping to resolve the Ruhr crisis by lending his support to the rescheduling , rather than the abolition , of German reparations payments .
5 LIABILITY : CASE LAW ACCUMULATES Proving that loss was directly caused by a breach of auditing duty is likely to be difficult
6 The action taken by sufferers on first realising that incontinence was a problem is shown in table III .
7 Realising that rowing was n't viable long-term , he soon became interested in karate and after a short time at the university club looked further afield for tutoring .
8 While believing that few teachers were intentionally racist , and while not accepting that racism was the sole cause of West Indian underachievement , the committee concluded that unintentional racism ( in the sense of stereotyped , negative or patronising views of West Indian children ) was widespread and did influence children 's performance .
9 To follow Cole that far would come perilously near to accepting that Co-operation was , as nearly as makes no difference , the Consumers ' Movement ; and that its future lay in further growth beyond that already achieved by 1939 until , so long as progress continued , it could within its chosen field have virtually displaced all competing provision and all competing manufacture for the purpose of provision .
10 She was so vulnerable to him that part of her was already accepting that defeat was inevitable , that only Luke could be the one to end their affair , but at the same time pride was demanding resistance , refusing to submit to the humiliation of a physical surrender to the man who had called her a liar , accused her of infidelity — the man who had hurt her so badly .
11 And in the same repetitious way she had recalled the scene she 'd interrupted the evening before by announcing that supper was ready : Gordon and the boy seated in the sitting-room before the cosy glow of the electric fire , drinking sherry .
12 J. was quite capable of staring her straight in the eye and swearing that black was white if it would get me out of a jam .
13 ‘ But over all the years , I went on with the pretence — putting on a face , or faces , pretending that life was ‘ normal ’ .
14 By implying that salvation was the responsibility of the individual , by insisting that the only mediator between God and man was Jesus Christ , Luther had posed a political as well as doctrinal threat to the power of the Catholic clergy .
15 Suez , in 1956 , may have been a buoy in the main stream of British history , marking the end of empire and the beginning of the post-imperial era , but the course taken by Britain when rounding that buoy was based upon her experiences since the end of the Second World War .
16 The easiest way of solving that problem was to go down to Victoria station .
17 Yesterday Wang UK 's Freddie Cook admitted that RS/6000 sales were initially slow , adding that demand was now picking up nicely .
18 Wang UK 's Freddie Cook admitted that RS/6000 sales were initially slow , adding that demand was now picking up nicely .
19 ‘ My mother has mentioned you a lot in her letters , ’ she said at last , deciding that honesty was the only policy , if she was going to smooth over accusations made in the heat of the moment .
20 Deciding that captaincy was affecting his batting , he stood down in favour of Fletcher for a season , resuming again in 1989 when the county did well but his own form was fairly ordinary .
21 As soon as a post 's routine was established it would be attacked : Sergeant James and two sappers lay for two days watching a post before deciding that breakfast-time was the right moment for such an attack .
22 She concentrated on her drink to hide her embarrassment , deciding that whisky was all right .
23 After a while , deciding that discretion was preferable , they moved off some distance into the desert parallel to the road .
24 Deciding that discretion was the better part of valour , Davidson began : ‘ Aidan , you probably like a few pints ? ’
25 Deciding that attack was the best form of defence , I knelt beside him and lowering my head to within inches of his , said , ‘ Next time , It 'll be the bread knife . ’
26 We now know that during the Saturday daylight raids on London , a chiefs-of-staff meeting took urgent action on deciding that invasion was likely within a few hours ; they had the code word ‘ Cromwell ’ flashed from the War Room to military units at 20.07 hours that evening ( which presumably led to the flap at my unit ; the station commander was away that weekend , and the acting CO in charge ) .
27 ‘ With the same natural effusion of good colour , ’ Hope continued , deciding that excess was more apt than enough in this instance , ‘ that I find in your own complexion , ma'am . ’
28 She forced a smile , deciding that flippancy was her only defence .
29 Evidently deciding that prudery was the better part of valour , I hotfooted it down to the bedroom again in time to witness half the ceiling crashing in flames on to the bed I had been sleeping in moments before .
30 Privately she wondered exactly what the gossip surrounding that incident was .
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