Example sentences of "[v-ing] they with [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 An occasional shaft of sunlight penetrated the foliage and lit up the bronze trunks of the pines , touching them with fire .
2 Fishermen of tropical seas who regularly catch sea snakes display little or no fear of them , handling them with impunity and either killing them or throwing them back in the water .
3 They 're helping them with Field events ; pony rides , archery and swimming .
4 ‘ He 's been helping them with background about MacQuillan , ’ she said .
5 And helping them with advice as well .
6 Where the louvred cowls has survived , glazing had to be added internally in order to present wind-blown rain from entering the vents , and efforts were made to waterproof the sloping brick surfaces of the roundels ' conical roofs by coating them with bitumen .
7 There was a fair wind spattering them with rain as they made their descent to the beach .
8 Preaching epistle to the apostles and anointing them with water ( still , not carbonated ) .
9 You can totally rejuvenate a dining table and chairs bought from a junk shop by painting them with gloss paint and buying a matching or contrasting tablecloth and seat cushions for the chairs .
10 The practical development reasons why communicators and educators can make a difference through communicating with women and empowering them with information and skills are outlined below .
11 There is no need to introduce any technical terms for discourse types , nor should we hesitate to name them to our students for fear of burdening them with jargon .
12 Mr Sutherland , who lives in Holland , was reunited with his 27-year-old wife Anita on the tarmac — seconds before the DC-10 exploded , showering them with debris .
13 At five o'clock in the morning Ada Neumann would have been in her kitchen , simmering the dozens of doughnut-shaped rolls in hot water for a few minutes before baking them in the oven , glazing them with egg-white and then showering them with sesame seeds .
14 Another strip light exploded in the roaring maelstrom , showering them with glass .
15 Successive Chancellors of the Exchequer have striven to encourage people to invest in pension plans by favouring them with tax concessions — to the point at which they are one of the most attractive and tax-efficient investments you can make .
16 He worked closely with Philip , one raising rarities and the other capturing them with pencil and brush at the moment of their greatest beauty .
17 Here , he and his wife entertained vice-regal parties , governors and other influential Australians , serving them with table wines from their own large cellar .
18 Belching ammunition and filling them with lead .
19 CF attacks the lungs by filling them with mucous causing infection while preventing the body from digesting food .
20 The cost of chartering 15 Hercules aircraft , filling them with food and organising distribution on the ground is £6.6 million over three weeks .
21 When the clerks of his royal chapel were singing in the choir , he would often walk among them , urging them with voice and hand to sing with greater gusto .
22 If several tanks are in constant use , fitting them with power filters would prove very expensive indeed .
23 It helps to melt away the human spirit of arrogance and wilfulness , replacing them with gratitude for God 's love and mercy .
24 There has been an undercurrent of anxiety about the hospitals for many years and lip service has been paid to the idea of replacing them with community hostels .
25 Would lining them with polystyrene be the answer ?
26 In order to give people more confidence rather than surrounding them with gloom and doom , we should point out that , since 1979 , GDP has risen 22 per cent .
27 We know that Olaudah Equiano spread successive printings of his autobiography after its first publication in 1789 by selling them with antislavery as well as personal benefit in mind to his audiences after meetings .
28 The people knew God did not need to be fed by them — he was feeding them with manna .
29 A new set of feelings about the baby had begun to emerge since I had nearly lost it , and I wanted to be sure that they were going to take root before I risked dispersing them with talk .
30 At all times , the BBC and official propaganda has been industrious at smearing them with crime and violence .
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