Example sentences of "[v-ing] they in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Still keen on films after seeing them in action for a day ? ’
2 Yeah they , they 've played in red and white , red , white , red shirts white shorts , but they , they used to play in claret and blue I can remember seeing them in claret and blue when I was a small boy but erm
3 In Western Europe legislators have ceded sweeping powers to make detailed regulations to central government executives , allowing them in effect to write up the law ‘ as they go along ’ in a discretionary way .
4 Having to take notice of your moral scruples was bad enough : parading them in front of other people was unbearable .
5 On a closed-string staircase , fillets between spindles may be missing , in which case replace them as necessary , nailing them in place .
6 I dislike using them in conversation , for they can add a measure of artificiality to what should otherwise be casual .
7 If you 're using them in industry , day in day out all day long , then that is the real importance of wearing protective gear .
8 So , against Clark , it must be argued that it is misleading to claim that because animals , imbeciles , and normal infants are all weak , defenceless , and at our mercy , to treat any of them in the same way ( say by killing them for food or using them in research ) is ‘ in moral terms , the very same act ’ ( Clark 1978 : 149 ) .
9 My temptation is to try to make my other imperatives as unimpugnable as ‘ Face facts ’ by rooting them in fact .
10 During that period , we want to do all we can to reduce it , especially among young people , and we want to avoid targeting them in advertising .
11 Customs duties were scheduled to be cut from a peak of 150 per cent to 110 per cent over three to four years , bringing them in line with other industrializing developing countries .
12 Humans are really nasty to slugs , drowning them in beer ( hic ) and melting the poor little sods with salt ( I prefer pepper on mine , yum ! — Ed ) .
13 The doors were closed , enveloping them in darkness , and locked from the outside .
14 Consecrating them in fire , muttering
15 Poststructuralism , which in its own way also takes part in that history of Western Marxism , differs only insofar as it foregrounds the implications of the theoretical difficulties involved rather than repressing them in pursuit of the unrealized ideal .
16 Keeping them in sight and in line became quite difficult as we moved further away .
17 ‘ I was … keeping them in case . ’
18 The summer of 1914 started very much like any other , with Chapman passing the long sunny days playing cricket and golf with his players and keeping them in trim for the coming season .
19 and they was gon na take a bigger risk , in keeping them in power so that they can achieve their longer term ends .
20 I wrapped one strip around the twisted knee , then a second over the calf muscles below , keeping them in place with the elastic bands .
21 The old lady would have been a lissome girl , like the girls now coming through the main entrance of the boma , carrying large plastic containers of water on their heads , keeping them in place by a casual touch of the hand .
22 Michael Howard at Environment , assisted by John Redwood , will be compromised by the need to make the council tax work , a useful means of keeping them in tow ; and Peter Lilley has been kept on board , though demoted , to Social Security .
23 Dans mon pays il y a de plus jolies , hummed and frowned Victorine , keeping them in step like the soldier : one two one two .
24 The United States ignored the warning and the Chinese forces then made their successful assault and defeated the American troops very badly , driving them in fact into the south .
25 The fact that they 've chosen to have somebody representing them in objection to the new settlement proposal I think is as strong an indication as you can get that the local people do n't actually support the council on this point .
26 In the last ‘ From Rock To Jazz ’ column I introduced the concept of chromatic approach notes and applying them in order to improvise through chord changes .
27 redeploying some of their skills — over and above applying them in work with failing , disheartened or work-refusing children — for working with fellow professionals whose expectations may likewise be in conflict with those of the would-be supporter , just as those of work-refusing children tend to be in conflict with those of their teachers .
28 To improve the information available to local managers , enabling them in turn to make their budgeting and monitoring more accurate , sensitive and timely .
29 He may then give Create user privilege to any of these users if he wishes , enabling them in turn to create new users ( i.e. descendants ) .
30 ‘ Because they want everybody to have a Big Daddy with his leather belt keeping 'em in order — less for them to do , ’ he said .
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