Example sentences of "[v-ing] they [to-vb] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 Parents may be confronting their children repeatedly demanding them to do what is asked and find that this produces immense negative emotional reactions : temper tantrums or complete refusal to co-operate are common .
2 Their movements reflect their aural memory at work ; their own ‘ inner speech ’ is helping them to interpret what they read .
3 No , it should be a permanent link , and er the calls will be er supported by the National Asthma Campaign and , as I said , it 's particularly er useful to newly diagnosed asthmatics in helping them to understand what 's happening to them and obtain advice , er .
4 I have seen enough to believe that the materials , over time , will prove to be of real help to teachers trying to solve their own problems by enabling them to see what support there is in the sharing of difficulties and by strengthening the belief that efficient discussion can lead to effective action .
5 They take some of Britain 's toughest and most notorious criminals and put them through intense therapy ; forcing them to confront what they did and why .
6 All too often , it is also a form of manipulation — a way of hurting or punishing others , or persuading them to do what we want , in the absence of honesty and integrity .
7 In short , it 's not the use of language that distinguishes being told the truth from other ways of finding it out : it 's the fact that when we tell people the truth , we do so by getting them to believe what we believe .
8 Remember , however , that if you 're asking them to become engaged in a problem in any depth , simply clapping your hands and asking them to stop what they 're doing can be quite destructive .
9 It means giving the report to someone who knows little or nothing about the actual subject and asking them to say what they do n't understand about it , right down to individual words and sentences .
10 He was watching them to see which way they would go .
11 A town elder passing on information and advising them to do what the Romans say ( second in command ) .
12 Sounds as if the guy is suffering from Hemingway Syndrome : ‘ computers may see their silicon lives flash before their eyes , so to speak , just before they die , ’ Prodigy Services Co suggests , reporting that physicist Stephen Thaler of McDonnell Douglas Corp has been playing with neural networks as a way to speed diamond crystal growth but while by day , he created and trained the neural nets , by night , he began annihilating them to see what would happen , randomly severing links , and when between 10% and 60% of the links were destroyed , the network regurgitated nonsense , but as it approached death , 90% of the connections severed , it generated distinct values that had been trained into it , and at times even output ‘ whimsical ’ states , where it would generate values that were neither trained nor ones that would appear in a healthy net , says Thaler , who thinks it may say something about near-death experiences for humans — ‘ It may not just be fancy biochemistry , ’ he suggests .
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