Example sentences of "[v-ing] that a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There is no denying that a person 's beliefs about the likely consequences of his acts are relevant to his normative situation .
2 King Fahd ibn Abdul Aziz declared that the disaster was " God 's unavoidable will " , and government officials described it as an " accident " and due to " panic " following the collapse of a pedestrian access bridge , denying that a power cut had halted the air supply in the tunnel .
3 After a period of time , silence on the part of a third party ( the most likely response ) could estop it from denying that a novation had occurred .
4 If one takes the position that human right to life is absolute , then one must show a morally relevant difference between human and animal life that justifies denying that an animal 's right to life is absolute , and I believe we have shown that such a difference is not readily found .
5 On 17 December , its officials woke to radio bulletins announcing that a bill to ban all remaining forms of tobacco advertising had , in the small hours , finally passed through both houses of the federal parliament with the support of all parties .
6 Slater takes pains to denounce violence , explaining that an incident at a rock concert last year was an act of self-defence .
7 I washed , dressed , strapped on my sword belt and strutted out , quietly vowing that a group of cut-throats and alley-sneakers could not frighten this new Merchant Prince .
8 The cost of checking that a loss has been reported to the Police , Hotel or Courier and the time taken to do so must affect the decision to carry out an investigation .
9 It preys on children in particular , one gruesome tale relating that an Each-Uisge made off with seven children , the only remains being their discarded livers when they washed ashore .
10 The judgment followed a decision by the Supreme Court in May 1989 [ see pp. 36650-51 ] , to return the case for reconsideration by a lower court , after ruling that an employer accused of discriminatory promotion practice could escape liability only by proving that there were other , legitimate , reasons for denying promotion .
11 And not long before leaving England I 'd read a newspaper item revealing that a Gauguin landscape bought by another novelist , Hugh Walpole , in 1924 for £145 would now in the thirties be worth around £6,000 , and that Hermann Goering in Nazi Germany had recently paid Alfred Krupp the armaments boss 10,000 Reichmarks for another of the wayward artist 's pictures .
12 The universality of social representations is expressed by Aebischer and Thommen ( 1983 ) , when they characterize social representations as ‘ all the knowledge and understanding that a society , or subgroup of the society , has about a given object ’ ( p. 5 ) .
13 At the outset I should emphasise that in the proceedings the only question raised is one of law , to be answered on the assumption that the assignments were genuine and valid transactions and that there was no arrangement or understanding that an assignee would hold for the assignor any compensation received by him from the fund .
14 Rixi certainly had a voluminous ego , and thought nothing of confiding that a team mate was ‘ a selfish bitch ’ .
15 Flockmasters need no reminding that an industry which grew like Topsy over the past decade , has now entered a painful sort-out period .
16 Griffin replies to such scepticism rather lamely : ‘ Allowing that an animal can be aware of outside events but denying that it can be self-aware becomes somewhat ridiculous — can the animal be aware of other creatures but not of itself ? ( 1984 : 205 ) .
17 The burden of proving that a clause satisfies the reasonableness test is on the party who seeks to rely on the clause .
18 The difficulty for the prosecution is proving that a child so young intended to commit a crime .
19 Proving that a contravention has occurred , even if only on the balance of probabilities , will not be easy , nor will demonstrating that an alleged miscreant has made a profit as a result of his contravention .
20 Notice that this condition says nothing about the possibility of proving that a topic referred to on a given occasion is the same as the topic referred to on a different occasion .
21 However , is the hon. Gentleman suggesting that a system of local income tax would not create economic ghettos and areas in which the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the local Labour authority would have carte blanche without capping — something which he will not allow and which will have to be dealt with through exemptions ?
22 The hon. Gentleman is not suggesting that a system of local government finance would be without a method of equalisation .
23 suggesting that a couple of days , oh a couple of days is , is enough really , if you , if you get two days out of it
24 Is the hon. Gentleman suggesting that a person under the age of 18 should not have joined his unit in the Gulf ?
25 In these subjects the OR continued to occur at a high level throughout training , a result suggesting that a stimulus that fails to predict its consequences reliably will continue to receive some form of processing .
26 GABA concentrations were unchanged before seizures , but increased during them , with a greater rise in the non-epileptogenic hippocampus , suggesting that a rise in extracellular glutamate may precipitate seizures and that the concentrations reached may cause cell death .
27 Notwithstanding Roh 's efforts at damage limitation , however , the opposition attempted to exploit the government 's vulnerability by suggesting that a cover-up had been perpetrated in order to minimize the government 's involvement in the Suso scandal .
28 Perhaps wisely , Robert Fullerton did not insist on that particular post , and offered the politician an easier alternative , though one considerably inferior in value to that of an inspector of customs , by suggesting that a lieutenancy of marines might be had through political interest .
29 Last week The Northern Echo disclosed details of a document suggesting that a company run by TEC chairman Les Bell was hoping to pay a school leaver £29.50 for a 50 hour week .
30 On the Rio Negro in Amazonia it apparently takes 80 years to reach half the mature biomass , suggesting that a return to forest is possible .
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