Example sentences of "[v-ing] that [vb past] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Despite all the scheming and matchmaking that went on behind the scenes , when Charles and Diana took their wedding vows on 29 July 1981 , they were undoubtedly in love .
2 And then the wailing that went up and the curses that fell as the roof came off .
3 Sick with longing for his wife , Diana , and worn out with the public issues of doctoring that had apparently lost her to him , he had agreed .
4 The letter was written in a sprawling hand , writing that had once undergone the discipline of copperplate , but long ago broken loose from its restrictions and now spread , thick and unguarded , over the page .
5 THE memories of the love and caring that went on in Lourdes is something I shall always treasure .
6 An early morning mist hung over York racecourse , gift-wrapping it for the fine autumn day 's racing that lay ahead .
7 They had to pass idle days of waiting that stretched ahead to an eternity of weeks in August .
8 Nor , from the sounds of tossing and turning that drifted up through the deck hatch in the quiet dark hours of her watch , was Nathan .
9 It was the only thing she 'd been wearing that had n't come away when they undressed .
10 Now it was an established custom that we very often used to go out to a strip in the desert away from the camp where we could indulge in circuits and landings to our hearts content without being related to the hour by hour flying that went on at the Base camp .
11 It was n't quite the kind of flying that went on in 1940 .
12 Inside there is a black marble stone with an inscription stating that entombed below are the remains of Bernabo Visconti transferred from a neighbouring church which was demolished .
13 It might be that it was the incessant closeness to blood , death and suffering that brought out these sentiments in men who had , on the whole , been raised in an education system that rejected such responses as feminine and unmasculine , and that promoted an abstract conception of justice and a stern morality of obedience to rules .
14 These were jelly or peach halves filched from the party table , but knowing that did not help you , and you hid .
15 Ah , you mean , might say something privately here , not knowing that switched on and it might be about somebody else and that person might know that person er with the evidence
16 Looking around the cobbled farmyard and at the farm buildings , the shelling and mortaring that went on during the attack on Breville had taken its toll .
17 Some time in the darkest hours of the night she had been forced to admit to herself that she was deeply attracted to David Markham , just as she now knew he was to her , but recognising that did n't alter the fact that the situation was impossible .
18 However , those who emerged empty-handed from all the pushing and shoving that went on should be able to see November 19 's game on giant video screens which the government is hoping to install in three different locations .
19 Quite by chance he heard that they had another depĂ´t off Mitcham Road , West Croydon and on visiting that found quite a different state of affairs .
20 The Basque was a careful farmer : forests , destroyed elsewhere in Spain without thought , were preserved by complicated methods of replanting that made good the losses to forges and shipyards .
21 That did n't stop him roving , teasing , passing and crossing that bit better than anyone else on the field , a constant delight to the eye .
22 She 'd intended to make a sharp retort , but even to her own ears her voice sounded tremulous , full of longing that had n't been satisfied .
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