Example sentences of "[v-ing] that [noun sg] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Denying that conflict is an a priori structure actualized in historical struggle , we have seen that Sartre does explain , through the category of the ‘ practico-inert ’ ( determining material conditions which have themselves been created by previous praxis ) , how individuals or classes in conflict produce a historical movement to which they are then subject .
2 The President of the National Coal Association has rejected the latest government charges , denying that tampering is routine in large numbers of mines .
3 Philosophers of science have latterly been busy explaining that science is about correlating phenomena or acquiring the power to manipulate them .
4 Cleaning your tack properly once a week gives you the vital opportunity of checking that stitching is in good order and that the parts where metal rests on leather ( such as reins and stirrup leathers ) are not too worn .
5 Of course , the success of this lesson has to do with more than structure ( indeed , I am not suggesting that structure is all a teacher needs to know about ! ) .
6 While Clegg holds back from suggesting that structure is socio-culturally determined , it is worth considering firstly whether the type of initiative described by Buchanan will be limited by the absence of the factors Clegg describes as contributing to Japan 's ‘ post modernity ’ .
7 He wrote an article in this month 's issue suggesting that MRA is linked with the World Council of Churches and the Fabian Society .
8 Furlong is correct , however , in suggesting that anxiety was rife , and because of this and establishment obsessions with a belief in a statistical truth we were constantly being asked to give numerical estimates of how many there were ‘ out there ’ who were ‘ fixing ’ , ‘ using the weed ’ , or ‘ dropping acid ’ .
9 I used an inadequate metaphor of ‘ face ’ and ‘ mask ’ , suggesting that performing is more akin to creating a mask for someone else to look at .
10 Other evidence suggesting that LDL is important is that LDL enters the arterial intima from plasma at rates directly related to its plasma concentration ( Niehaus et al , 1977 ; Nicoll et al , 1981 ) and accumulates particularly in atheromatous regions ( Nicoll et al , 1981 ) .
11 The source of arousal is critical for a number of reasons , in addition to the considerable literature suggesting that arousal is not a unitary physiological dimension , there is the problem that in memory tasks an external source arousal may simply distract subjects while memory for an arousing item itself may be subject to von Restorff effects .
12 None of the surface techniques gave a well-defined and unambiguous response , and the yields of boreholes tapping these features were generally disappointing , suggesting that fracturing is not well developed at depth .
13 The original suspension was imposed after the CSM considered evidence suggesting that Halcion was associated with a much higher frequency of side effects that other sleeping medications ( Chem .
14 A few women make it despite the system and then become vaunted as a great example of personal initiative and drive , thus suggesting that employment is a matter of personal ability rather than an economic and political issue .
15 The metaphor used in ‘ the heavy page/of death , printed by gravestones in the cemetery ’ , works with the ‘ black statement ’ of a few lines previous suggesting that death is like a book which can survive through generations and is read , that is experienced , by all .
16 In 1929 Kenneth Macpherson talked of the ‘ doleful and disastrous consequences ’ of censorship and dramatically made his point by suggesting that censorship was ‘ England 's Prohibition Law ’ .
17 At 35 , some folk are suggesting that Hoddle 's too old .
18 There is no mention on the regulation of prices or of a method of arbitration in the event of dispute , suggesting that commerce was regulated by custom or the social mores of gift-giving , and had not reached a sufficiently organised scale for legal controls to be necessary ; the earliest hint of such controls is to be found in King Ine 's laws , in which traders were to make their transactions before witnesses or the king 's reeve .
19 He mentions Home Office research suggesting that crime is not as bad as everyone thinks , but he does not mention any of the other analyses and carefully toes the party line .
20 We would not wish the preceding argument to be read as suggesting that unemployment is the only independent variable which affects crime .
21 Mayo 's concern is primarily with religious instruction , but he is by no means unique in suggesting that learning was good for a servant .
22 Pine stumps on Lewis date from 4800 — 3900 B.P. , suggesting that pine was a late arrival there .
23 Sometimes , however , a sharp shock is required to signal the extent of the adjustment eventually required and the government 's commitment to seeing that adjustment is actually made .
24 I went to sit by her , I do n't know why , because seeing that baby was twisting the knife tighter , but I did , and she put her arm around me while I told her . ’
25 ‘ A man interested in finding out the truth , and therefore seeing that justice is done .
26 They may chug along believing that structure is all there is to it or that a combination of structure and roles is the answer .
27 For those believing in molecules of memory , the message is in the bell and its unique properties ; for those believing that memory is a system property of the brain , the bell is merely a part — albeit an important one — of the system , and to understand the message one must read the wiring diagram , not listen to the sound of the bell ringing .
28 Earlier English inoculators had made deep cuts with the lancet and inserted large amounts of material from mature smallpox pustules , believing that protection was not obtainable unless the patient suffered a pronounced smallpox attack .
29 This idiom encourages the very bad habit of believing that life is going to be as neatly packaged as a school textbook .
30 The only thing I can do now is to let out a great shout with you , ‘ Ça ira ’ for men and for people , believing that man is a world worth many times the world and that the most ardent ambitions are those which have the pride of Anonymity .
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