Example sentences of "[v-ing] that [pron] do " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When Jones sat on the bench on Saturday in the Test we were praying that he did not have to come on .
2 ‘ When Jones sat on the bench on Saturday in the Test we were praying that he did not have to come on .
3 What worried him was that the man was somehow rejecting the film , announcing that he did n't think life was really like that .
4 Before I was in the band if I saw that something was happening that I did n't like I 'd say nothing and go along with it .
5 The film people wanted to shoot in the local pub , but the landlord refused them permission , explaining that he did not want to inconvenience his regular customers , despite being offered a tidy sum as recompense .
6 He 'd already registered as available for action , back home in Arkansas , but after a year in England , he wrote a letter to his local officer training corps explaining that he did n't want to fight after all .
7 He refused to take her to the pub to have a drink , explaining that he did not want to hurt Jayne , who would not approve of his energy being spent on anything other than skating .
8 Chairman , I 've listened with erm interest to Professor erm weasel words explaining that he did n't mean what he 's been saying for the past three years and trying to explain away what he 's effectively and he might as well admit it a complete volte face worse than that his agreement to an arrangement which he knows is second best .
9 Unix System Labs is apparently looking at the Tiny 386BSD boot disk ( the one that 's been circulating in the academia , which derives from Bill Jolitz 's work and is not from Berkeley System Design Inc ) checking that it does n't infringe their property rights .
10 Moreover , the fact that he fails to realise the ironic force of the question , and rushes into affirming that he does know the Queen is ample demonstration of the extent to which , beneath his posturing , he has lost his composure under the pressure of the situation .
11 The Baroness remained impermeable throughout it all , quite untouchable , maintaining that she did not murder Dale and that the fraud was misunderstood .
12 Amstrad Plc launched its £300 Pen Pad yesterday , proving that you do n't need a RISC processor to build a pen-based notepad .
13 But looks are deceiving and , despite her daintiness , Jo 's no lightweight — for , as Home and Away 's policewoman Jane Holland , she 's proving that you do n't have to be big and brawny to act tough .
14 For example , research has shown that performance on these tests is unrelated to intelligence , at least above a certain minimum level of IQ , suggesting that they do tap something different .
15 The verdicts are implicitly defining what is appropriate behaviour for women and suggesting that they do not have much of a safeguard if they stray into areas regarded as ‘ male territory ’ whether it be a barracks room or a street late at night .
16 This is best explained , not by suggesting that they do not have interests in common or that they are satisfied with things as they are , but by attending to the crushing significance of those ideas in society which preach that to be poor is an individual 's own fault and reflects his or her lack of preparedness to study and train , to work hard , to postpone having a family , or what have you .
17 Macdonald 's survey of 1904 claimed that in Edinburgh women were involved in " every process except making up and carrying type " , suggesting that they did lock up formes and do corrections
18 So A is suggesting that someone do something on Thursday .
19 The government denies this , but has published the text of a letter from its Political Adviser to the New China News Agency ( Beijing 's embassy in Hong Kong ) suggesting that it did .
20 He was at times ordered to aid and supervise the royal huntsmen by leading them to those parts of the forest where the game was most plentiful , o supplying them with trained hounds , and seeing that they did not drive the deer out of the forest or continue their hunting longer than their instructions warranted .
21 Two symbols are therefore used , S indicating a specialist technical contribution and E identifying the person responsible for seeing that they do get together .
22 Do n't know why I 'm singing that I do n't even like .
23 you get out of singing that you do n't get anywhere else .
24 The photograph would , Rose believed , be a tactful way of hinting that she did n't intend being around so much .
25 And to that ultimate challenge of the book the herb can not reply , except by realising that he does not know the answer , and that he is glad he does not know .
26 Then , realising that it did n't take much for this man to get to her , she made sterner efforts to get herself more of one piece and , returning her hand to her lap , she drew out of nowhere , ‘ Not everybody can wear contact lenses , ’ and added for a touch of authenticity , ‘ I ca n't myself . ’
27 I found , after experimenting that I did not need any glycerine at all as I managed to get the colour to work well with just a smudge from the wet brush .
28 May we learn to face up to our problems and try to sort them out instead of pretending that they do n't exist or trying to run away from them .
29 I had a husband who was pretending that I did not have cancer , and a mother who tried to inspire me by showing me pictures of Page Three girls under banner headlines of ‘ How I conquered cancer ’ .
30 But I would feel a bit snidey pretending that I do n't know them . ’
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