Example sentences of "[v-ing] that [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Carly 's parents are praying that the operation will succeed .
2 Folly followed her guide , praying that the girl would n't ask why she wanted to see Luke Hunter , and trying to think up a good excuse in case she did .
3 Sophie relayed the information to Mr Miller , who shrugged irritably and told her to be as quick as possible , but the traffic was heavy as she drove out of the town and all the time she was praying that the cat 's leg would not be really broken .
4 She began inching towards him , hugging the face of the cliff , praying that the rock beneath her would hold .
5 That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty , praying that the Disability Living Allowance and Disability Working Allowance ( Consequential Provisions ) Regulations 1991 ( S.I. , 1991 , No. 2742 ) , dated 5th December 1991 , a copy of which was laid before this House on 5th December , be annulled .
6 Vicki is praying that the rescue ship she knows is on its way will arrive in time to save them all .
7 A farmer working a pair of shire-horses , and probably ably praying that the weather would hold , moved into his line of vision giving a touch of life to a scene that might have been painted in oils .
8 17–6–1848 They forwarded a memorial to Lord John Russell praying that the Post Office should be caused to be shut throughout the Kingdom on the Lord 's day ; and on 19th February 1849 they petitioned the shareholders at Perth against running trains on the Sabbath .
9 There is no denying that a person 's beliefs about the likely consequences of his acts are relevant to his normative situation .
10 King Fahd ibn Abdul Aziz declared that the disaster was " God 's unavoidable will " , and government officials described it as an " accident " and due to " panic " following the collapse of a pedestrian access bridge , denying that a power cut had halted the air supply in the tunnel .
11 After a period of time , silence on the part of a third party ( the most likely response ) could estop it from denying that a novation had occurred .
12 A World Bank spokesman responded to the leak by denying that the memo in any way represented Bank policy , and adding that it had been written in a deliberately ironic tone in order to provoke internal debate within the organization .
13 I mean , there are only about thirty of you in Formula One , and there 's no denying that the Press turn you into sort of demi-gods … ’
14 The Justice Ministry issued a statement denying that the Minister 's remarks were racist , but on Sept. 25 , after a US State Department statement describing his remarks as " offensive to the American people " , Kayijama apologized and retracted his statement , saying that it had been " completely inappropriate " .
15 The Education Secretary has been in the region lending his weight to the Conservative campaign , and denying that the Government was to blame for school underfunding .
16 Trade and industry minister Edward Leigh recently wrote to The Northern Echo firmly denying that the Government was responsible for any delay .
17 He might not have thought he deserved the Man of the Match award on Wednesday night , but there can be no denying that the return of Gascoigne has transformed Taylor 's England from a farce to a force .
18 If , in reliance on the transfer , the building society accepted the legal charge executed by the Hammonds and parted with the £15,000 , an estoppel by representation would , as it seems to me , bar Mr. Steed from denying that the transaction completed by the transfer was a sale .
19 Nevertheless there is no denying that the threat of removal has radically altered the relationship between chairmen and committee members .
20 If this seems too severe , there is no denying that the development of the industrial co-operative sector has had little reason over the years to feel grateful to the Consumer Movement .
21 And of the Cobra , ‘ There can be no denying that the Cobra is an extremely exciting car to drive , or even passenger in .
22 Their flimsy ruse blown , British and continental federalists try the unconvincing tactic of denying that the French and Germans mean ‘ federal ’ when they use the word , saying it means something else in other languages .
23 In taking this view we are not denying that the loss of liberty may actually be necessary in a few extreme cases and this should only be where the child presents a significant danger to him or herself or where there is a significant risk of major further offending and severe damage to community .
24 Even if you are sceptical about meridians , there 's no denying that the roller gives an enjoyable massage .
25 Iraq is denying that the move is a bid to have sanctions lifted .
26 However , there is no denying that the picture quality does suffer at these low levels : the colours become increasingly weak and washed-out looking , and the sharpness of the definition falls off because the lens is having to work at its maximum aperture .
27 In an essay written with Watt in 1963 ( in Goody , ed. 1968 ) , Goody sets out to counter-balance the relativism of his colleagues in anthropology which , he feels , ‘ has now gone to the point of denying that the distinction between non-literate and literate societies has any significant validity ’ .
28 On balance the evidence suggests that the Liberal decline began before the First World War , but there is no denying that the war speeded up this process .
29 I 'm not denying that the embryo , and later the adult , has a large-scale form .
30 If one takes the position that human right to life is absolute , then one must show a morally relevant difference between human and animal life that justifies denying that an animal 's right to life is absolute , and I believe we have shown that such a difference is not readily found .
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