Example sentences of "[v-ing] i [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Be there — or you 'll really get fucked , ’ he hissed , jabbing a manicured index finger at my face and transfixing me with lifeless black eyes .
2 ‘ You 're accusing me of burning dogs again , are n't you ?
3 He has been a fantastic friend helping me with financial work . ’
4 While I was still gazing into the water basin , the doctor then covered me with blankets , enclosing me in total darkness .
5 Though engrossed in picking his teeth with a match he gave me a long appraising stare before addressing me in rich cockney .
6 One particular Easter , a beautiful day , I remember an overwhelming fear filling me with absolute terror as we stood outside the ticket office after returning from a journey .
7 filling me with warm salt
8 Neil said : ‘ Two things are pulling me in opposite directions .
9 He 's absolutely fanatical about them — full of stories about their characters and sounding me about various treatments .
10 If she 's not polishing the auld bits and pieces , she 's naggin' me for new curtains ! ’
11 Dear Aura of Life , Thank you for jumping and kicking me in tender places cos it gives me something to cuddle — a bruised gut .
12 I believe God is calling me to full-time service .
13 She was calling me from central London , having travelled there with her young son on the underground train .
14 They put the ideas together and I suddenly became aware that they were teaching me about substitutionary atonement .
15 Having the opportunity to do some work from home is of great assistance providing me with extra flexibility to help balance and organise my professional and domestic commitments . ’
16 ‘ You would n't be threatening me with Chinese whispers , would you , Miss Swift ? ’ he said softly , steel edging his voice , ‘ I 'd hate to think you were a scandalmonger .
17 When he hesitated Carrie ended , ‘ As your mother greeting me with open arms .
18 ‘ Do n't even think of asking me about female membership , ’ barked the old Sgt-Major .
19 The honourable gentlemen is asking me for procedural advice across floor of the house , which he knows that I do not volunteer .
20 He was always inviting me to little supper parties and so on , and it became so noticeable that other people began to make snide comments .
21 He placed it on a bale of straw and pulled up an upturned bucket as a chair before hopping on to a meal bin where he sat like a pixie on a toadstool with his arms around his knees , regarding me with keen anticipation .
22 Jeanne , the Vitou 's only daughter was being prepared for evacuation , but my newly found knowledge in medicine and sociology was making me over optimistic .
23 I am writing this on the train to London , carrying me on smooth , oiled wheels away from the pain , the exhaustion , and , above all , the one worth-while thing I ever did — or tried to do — in my life .
24 He was forever denouncing me during Parliamentary Questions in the most lurid terms but the denunciations were invariably so protracted that even his own side lost interest .
25 As I began to serve more regularly I became more accepted amongst the older stalwarts of the service , my naval experience and general seamanship picked up on fishing craft and yachts standing me in good stead .
26 I saw Pike 's weatherworn little face watching me with intense concentration .
27 The rats had not shown themselves again , but I 'd begun to feel them watching me from shadowed hiding places .
28 No less than three supporters , all before opening time , have told me that they know for certain that a League chairman has been watching me in recent weeks .
29 My local office has plenty of leaflets telling me about wonderful things like savings schemes and child benefit , but rarely stocks the mysterious forms that are supposed to accompany them .
30 He 's just got me mad now telling me to good luck .
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