Example sentences of "[v-ing] to it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In some heating systems the water circulates naturally , ; hot water rising from the boiler and returning to it by force of gravity when it is cooler .
2 However , the issue of the relationship between classical deterrence and interactionist ‘ labelling ’ clearly needs further attention , and I will be returning to it in Chapter 8 .
3 A small herd inhabited a reedbed formed by the overflow from a large pool fed by hot springs , leaving its shelter only after dark and returning to it before light .
4 Noreen had a small voice and relied on people listening to it for its full effect .
5 I 've been listening to it for a while .
6 After listening to it on his headphones for a few minutes , Syrian George stopped the tape , looked Mikalis up and down and turned to Coleman .
7 The crowd seemed to be getting a little impatient just before the goal ( as I 'm sure we all were listening to it on the radio ) but can you imagine what the scum crowd would ahve been doing to their team if they had n't scored within twenty minutes ?
8 You , you were listening to it on the radio .
9 Watching it or listening to it on the
10 Sky T V so they were either watching it on their own or being very neighbourly with their neighbours or listening to it on the radio or as you say , up in Liverpool .
11 Many people can not think of playing music or listening to it until six o'clock in the evening .
12 However anyone looking to it for an explanation of how women have come to be excluded so completely from the control of machines , or even for a theoretical framework within which to pose such a question , is in for a disappointment .
13 People looking to it for educational use , or a big company HQ .
14 The co-operation of these voices might be seen as the very essence of critical commentary : to interpret the text while refering to it with varying levels of precision .
15 THE Labour Party 's land policy paper , Planning a New Agenda , has been called partially flawed by Christopher Jonas replying to it for the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors .
16 A county council spokesman said : ‘ We have received Rev Harper 's letter and will be replying to it in due course . ’
17 But she 's adding to it by the month with a lucrative round of speaking engagements all over the world at up to £125,000 a time .
18 Living artists would keep adding to it by making contributions from their works .
19 She listened in silence while the girl , who insisted on being called Claire because , she explained , people viewed her profession with enough scepticism without her adding to it by adopting some theatrical and phoney title , informed her that she had managed to prepare her birth chart .
20 It was planned as a pilgrimage church with a large crypt for the relics and with stairways leading to it from the aisles .
21 In part it 's down to S&M mainstream fashion ; in part to the rise of interest in all forms of body art ; in part to the fact that gays are turning to it as a form of safer sex ( hardly the sort of thing that should be criminalised ) .
22 Why are you sending to it with that ?
23 ‘ I think … ’ he began , pointing to it with the point of his umbrella .
24 The humans below tried shining coloured lights at it , and playing tunes at it , and eventually just speaking to it in every language known to humans .
25 If we allow the King 's Cross Railways Bill to proceed and in the end no high-speed link or underground link between Stratford and King 's Cross is built , we shall be left with an enormous white elephant at King 's Cross with no means of getting to it from the channel tunnel .
26 No Moslem could have greeted the sight of its medieval columns with more glee than the clapped-out crews of the TransaDeuche for , even though the place is a little less remote these days , it was still a pretty formidable achievement getting to it in a vehicle not really designed to leave the Left Bank .
27 WALL AFTER WALL of raging water rose up and thundered on to the strange craft intent on destroying it and the frail humans clinging to it for their lives .
28 ’ If you have been attending to it for twenty four years , I came here into this church as a choir boy . ’
29 At the other end of the scale , a small and humble task can sometimes be given ritual status by attending to it with real attention and care .
30 With any luck , it should not need much doing to it over the next few years .
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