Example sentences of "[v-ing] to he [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Anwar had reclaimed Changez and was patiently explaining to him about the shop , the wholesaler and the financial position .
2 ‘ Alex is a natural leader and I wanted the others to begin relating to him as the captain as soon as possible , ’ said the national coach .
3 He let her go , then stood there , watching her move about the room , disturbed by the thoughts , the memories that insisted on returning to him in her presence .
4 Roxburgh 's point on the subject of Ferguson 's fledgling status was well made , too , but even he finished up with the impression that nobody was listening to him at yesterday 's press conference .
5 As the hon. Gentleman introduced the subject of colour of dress , I can only say that I have been listening to him for almost 18 years and I wish that he would sometimes change the colour of his tie .
6 She 'd been listening to him with dawning realisation , an icy sensation freezing her body inch by inch .
7 But she was impatient of their return to the home she had created in endless sketches ; impatient too of Jacob 's incessant meetings with colleagues , with acolytes who sat transfixed , listening to him as if they were on their knees .
8 He was soon proved right , as the numbers of those listening to him in England equalled two-thirds of the audience for the BBC news .
9 ‘ We will be listening to him in the wings every night . ’
10 The surety often takes the position from motives of friendship to the debtor , and generally not as a result of any direct bargaining between him and the creditor , or in consideration of any remuneration passing to him from the creditor .
11 Mr Hurd needs no minders , but the 60 Tory MPs who declined to support Mrs Thatcher for leader last week , plus MEPs , this week 's Lords report and many industrialists will be looking to him for a more emollient performance in difficult circumstances .
12 Mr Hurd needs no minders , but the 60 Tory MPs who declined to support Mrs Thatcher for leader last week , plus MEPs , this week 's Lords report and many industrialists will be looking to him for a more emollient performance in difficult circumstances .
13 So she was writing to him at the time I telephoned .
14 He had already acquired some ex-episcopal lands back in 1647–8 , in settlement of earlier debts owing to him on the public faith .
15 In December 1936 Lance Henly , the Club 's forbearing Secretary for 15 years , resigned through ill-health , and the Brewery settled the £149 debt owing to him for 20 months unpaid expenses .
16 ‘ She was going to him with letters right to the end . ’
17 If he treats her from the beginning like a woman , elderly perhaps , but still entitled to every courtesy and consideration and some of his undivided attention , and if she treats him with affection and interest , voicing her pride in his achievements , and turning to him for advice on various matters , their relationship is usually off to a good start .
18 In a moment we 'll be speaking to him about his son 's plight , but first we go over to Switzerland where our reporter , John Marshall , has been following the story .
19 I have been speaking to him on the phone and we have decided that it would be in everyone 's interest to postpone First Holy Communion until the last Sunday of term , July 15th .
20 From his expression there was not much chance of speaking to him at all and she cast a wary look behind her to the door .
21 ‘ Do n't even bother speaking to him for 24 hours before a match , ’ was the advice of a Danish team-mate .
22 And he said he was unable to resist orders from a drowned boyhood friend called Delroy , who was speaking to him from ‘ beyond the grave ’ .
23 Waking or sleeping his mind fretted away at the case , images drifted in and out of his consciousness , words and phrases came to mind in a confusing jumble but once , in a doze , it seemed that Beryl was actually speaking to him in her clear , cracked voice .
24 With difficulty , he made his way towards her , Charlotte clinging to him for dear life .
25 Emotion seemed to gush out of her eyes , nose , mouth , as she sighed , wept , mumbled between kisses , covering his face with spit , tears , lipstick and rain , clinging to him with the frantic strength of a drowning swimmer .
26 And then his need called out an answering desire within her , and she found herself clinging to him with a desperation that matched his own .
27 His fleshy paunch was hanging over his sweaty jeans with the legs of his trousers clinging to him with the viscosity of four week old socks sticking to the bedroom wall .
28 She grasped his body , his hair , clinging to him on the brink of chaos .
29 His Treasury officials were infected by the gloomy whiff of failure clinging to him since September .
30 Worse , I could see clearly the image of Mala clinging to him within the circle of the powerful golden arm .
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