Example sentences of "[v-ing] to [be] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The history of pet names is a long one , there appearing to be evidence confirming their existence before the Conquest , but in those instances where pet names survive as surnames the appearance is that they are of post-Conquest foundation , and some are difficult to identify .
2 In one incident in Alexandra , gunmen appearing to be Inkatha supporters slaughtered 15 mourners at a funeral , including seven members of the pro-ANC Congress of South African Students ( COSAS ) .
3 McFarlane , former boss , eagerly kept contact with the cause on his home computer , aching to be part of it again : North , in reply , urged him to ‘ keep the faith ’ .
4 No , the call was not made by anyone pretending to be Kemp .
5 One in particular which appeals is touring Yorkshire nightclubs with me pretending to be Eric in a posh suit , mumbling inscrutable French-sounding noises and effortlessly impressing the girls .
6 They will have to choose between pretending to be friends of the farmer and lackeys of the environmentalist .
7 He finished the show pretending to be Maddox , and no-one knew . ’
8 They are always pretending to be grown-ups playing soldiers , playing shop .
9 The next moment she was a shocked spectator , seeing them both as something in a theatre , perhaps ballet dancers pretending to be puppets .
10 Morrissey ought to get himself a string section and stop swanning about pretending to be Melvyn Bragg . ’
11 That means , among other things , plain-clothes officers pretending to be customers .
12 Remixes , dance tracks and even total imposters pretending to be musicians ( wheeeeeeeeeeee ! ) .
13 I was desperate enough to consider rushing round the table pretending to be Pumblechook 's carriage , but I could not make myself do it , and just stood there helplessly .
14 If you Liz , Elizabeth pretending to be Jessica or is Elizabeth really Elizabeth .
15 The fortnightly was ‘ Andrew pretending to be Kleenex .
16 He had n't yet said who ‘ they ’ were , but Robert had a fairly good idea that some of them might well be unemployed young men pretending to be Muslims in order to worm their way into jobs that should have been occupied by the Faithful .
17 GUTTERSNIPE : A sniper who hangs off your gutter pipes for 12 hours a day pretending to be Peter Sellers .
18 Erm y'know erm it 's also erm perhaps interesting the way things have er have shifted you know in the last decade or so , like that thing that erm used to be on in the seventies , It Ai n't Half Hot Mum , with um a number of people pretending to be Indians and and exhibiting all the stereotypes y'know it ai n't half racist mum is probably more erm er in fact there was a book called It Ai n't Half Racist Mum that er Leicester University library had er y'know going on about exactly that you know the sort of y'know racism of comedy .
19 Pretending to be soldiers or anything ?
20 Jimmy and Alison ended the play as playmates pretending to be squirrels and bears .
21 ‘ He might be only pretending to be gaga , ’ said Pooley .
22 Perhaps it was just someone pretending to be Viola for security reasons .
23 Over the past few years , Dr Anthony Hall , an expert in tropical medicine , has compiled a dossier of patients who he claims have entered Britain ‘ pretending to be tourists , students or refugees ’ but who are in reality coming for free medical care .
24 If — hairbrush microphones in hand — they were not pretending to be Abba , it was Welsh star Bonnie Tyler who was the inspiration for their unenthusiastic warblings .
25 Many of the rest have four legs , and bark or moo or even lie in swamps pretending to be logs .
26 But in the potato channel are lumps of earth and a few stones masquerading as vegetable , and in the stone channel a few potatoes pretending to be mineral .
27 Tampax pretending to be Durex . ’
28 If one is brave enough to try the draft out on critical , expert colleagues , one can be reasonably sure that what emerges at the end will be free of double questions , ambiguities , leading questions , and so on , and the helpful colleagues , in pretending to be informants , will also probably have thought up some difficult-to-classify answers too .
29 Easter Sunday morning the students would go round the bedrooms as early as 2am dressed in sheets , pretending to be angels , singing " Christ the Lord is risen today " .
30 pretending to be extras in ‘ The Dukes Of Hazzard ’
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