Example sentences of "[v-ing] to [pron] for " in BNC.

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1 But , and then he , he 's like , we left him on the sofa and said oh Mark we 'll be back in a minute , like , turned all the lights off hoping he 'll like pass out you could just hear him like laughing to himself for another like twenty minutes and we 're
2 Both bodies publish application forms recommended for use when applying to them for the appointment of experts or arbitrators : copies of the forms are reproduced in Appendices G and H. The Law Society has also published its requested procedure : see [ 1986 ] Law Society 's Gazette 2542 , reprinted in Appendix B. It is important that applicants follow the procedure of applying on prescribed forms .
3 For example , if someone gave as their hobbies on their CV only reading and chess , and they were applying to you for a job where they would be working with the public , might you not have doubts about that person ?
4 ‘ I know the civil liberties people will not like it , but to some degree they have got us into this mess and we have been listening to them for too long , ’ said Mr Gallie .
5 As the hon. Gentleman introduced the subject of colour of dress , I can only say that I have been listening to him for almost 18 years and I wish that he would sometimes change the colour of his tie .
6 Dougal had not been listening to her for at least a minute .
7 Noreen had a small voice and relied on people listening to it for its full effect .
8 I 've been listening to it for a while .
9 But if you 're looking to me for a list of who really makes which strings , I 've found that asking straight questions does n't always get you straight answers .
10 I have this kitchen full of people , all looking to me for instructions like it was me who organized this .
11 Mr Hurd needs no minders , but the 60 Tory MPs who declined to support Mrs Thatcher for leader last week , plus MEPs , this week 's Lords report and many industrialists will be looking to him for a more emollient performance in difficult circumstances .
12 Mr Hurd needs no minders , but the 60 Tory MPs who declined to support Mrs Thatcher for leader last week , plus MEPs , this week 's Lords report and many industrialists will be looking to him for a more emollient performance in difficult circumstances .
13 Looking to her for comfort was like looking through a drawer for something which you knew was not there because you had looked so often before : you knew what was there — in painful and tedious detail — but there was nothing that you wanted .
14 However , as we saw , this type of personality hangs on to others , looking to them for affirmation and praise .
15 One can be emotionally dependent on a parent , calling home daily , looking to them for decisions or allowing parents ’ wishes and desires to come before one 's partner .
16 However anyone looking to it for an explanation of how women have come to be excluded so completely from the control of machines , or even for a theoretical framework within which to pose such a question , is in for a disappointment .
17 People looking to it for educational use , or a big company HQ .
18 And what the force will say to us is that the force has overall priorities and they take precedent and that is to get sixty four P Cs back on the street , and our problems they will be looking to us for imaginative solutions
19 Once Celie finds out her sister was still alive and had been writing to her for all this time but she had not received any letters because Albert had intercepted the letters , she stopped writing to God .
20 I am writing to you for information about the kind of courses I read about in the article on the Features Page of last week 's Daily Telegraph which gave the address of your organization .
21 I represent the 17th Waltham Forest Company of the Boys Brigade and am writing to you for help .
22 THE Labour Party 's land policy paper , Planning a New Agenda , has been called partially flawed by Christopher Jonas replying to it for the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors .
23 In December 1936 Lance Henly , the Club 's forbearing Secretary for 15 years , resigned through ill-health , and the Brewery settled the £149 debt owing to him for 20 months unpaid expenses .
24 Now you suspected she 'd been lying to you for thirteen years .
25 If he treats her from the beginning like a woman , elderly perhaps , but still entitled to every courtesy and consideration and some of his undivided attention , and if she treats him with affection and interest , voicing her pride in his achievements , and turning to him for advice on various matters , their relationship is usually off to a good start .
26 I remember in my teens being determined to do something which was not very nice , turning to her for permission and her saying " Well , I would n't do that — but I think you are old enough to decide for yourself , " and suddenly all the joy in the plan faded away and I did n't do it .
27 ‘ Do n't even bother speaking to him for 24 hours before a match , ’ was the advice of a Danish team-mate .
28 oh yeah , and end up not speaking to her for a month
29 Yes , well she was all , so I 've been speaking to her for weeks when she did n't
30 Then we are likely to seek out people who can be close to us , sometimes clinging to them for support , as if our own security was dependent upon their actual and continued physical presence .
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