Example sentences of "[v-ing] it to the " in BNC.

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1 If the military do n't use the area often , they can not cause as much distress to the natural environment as opening it to the public would .
2 But if the reputation as high-handed , unloved and ruthless stepmother hurt ( and it clearly did ) , it did not deflect her from her purpose of re-vamping Althorp and opening it to the public as a top-attraction stately home in a competitive business .
3 This will include both initial restoration work and the annual deficit on running the house and opening it to the public .
4 His phobia had spread to his grooms when Raimundo 's even crueller predecessor had broken the leg of a grey filly , hurling it to the ground for branding , and the following day he had died of snake bite .
5 Water management is the major part of fishkeeping — but I do have this fantasy about keeping it to the minimum and this partly explains the filtration system I am suggesting , based on a fairly standard undergravel .
6 I understood that it was what The Wedding Present wanted , but explaining it to the head of the sales force was a problem .
7 He said : ‘ This appears at first glance to be quite a simple scheme , until we come to actually explaining it to the customer .
8 Despite the difficulties of relating it to the archaeology , Bede 's statement about the origins of the Germanic settlers in England is generally accepted .
9 Discuss the statement ‘ there is no substitute for product knowledge ’ , relating it to the receptionist as a salesperson .
10 The present nature of housing can not be fully understood without relating it to the nature of domestic labour .
11 It seems that it is impossible — or should be impossible — to discuss any aspect of teachers ' pay , however technical , without relating it to the quality of teachers ' performance and teaching methods .
12 At this stage , a diagrammatic area layout is prepared , showing the ideal space requirement , and relating it to the space allocated .
13 Erm , we started off with was that , erm , we would just write down any word that came up to our head , in terms of relating it to the story i.e. we thought about memories , and memories Erm , this is gon na match up with your is n't it .
14 When you remove food from the freezer , do n't leave it in a warm atmosphere or allow it to come into contact with unclean hands , surfaces or equipment before returning it to the freezer — you will be at risk of freezing in any contamination .
15 Zhukov clucked his tongue in a gesture of regret and replaced the cork in the bottle , returning it to the shelf .
16 This may mean returning it to the dealer or manufacturer , but certainly not incinerating it or throwing it out with other household waste that ends up in a shallow landfill .
17 What you are aiming at is a steady indication on the localiser needle , rather than returning it to the centre .
18 Please indicate your acceptance of the terms of this Agreement by signing the enclosed duplicate copy in the space indicated and returning it to the undersigned at the letterhead address .
19 In a related development , President Snegur in his address marking the anniversary of the 1989 legislation making Moldovan ( Romanian ) the official language and returning it to the Latin script , regretted the slow implementation of the legislation .
20 It involves sucking the contaminated oil into a cleaning system housed in a mobile trailer , cleaning it and returning it to the transformer .
21 Those who agreed were given an envelope in which to seal their completed questionnaire before returning it to the member of staff .
22 However it ca n't just be bolted on to the tractor , and Mr Tomlinson had to spend further hours in the workshop matching it to the tractor 's backend and getting the gearing right .
23 Impatiently he finished the task , ripping the material from his shoulders and tossing it to the floor .
24 Well they 're on about backdating it to the third .
25 The backing sheet is then removed from the film before wetting it and applying it to the window .
26 There , sure enough , I found the recipe for dissolving phosphorus in olive oil and applying it to the face for a ‘ ghost ’ .
27 On an impulse , she opened the case and took the violin out , held it and held the bow without applying it to the strings .
28 Only through composition can pupils acquire effective mastery of the enlarged vocabulary with which they become acquainted through literature , but which remains inert in their minds without the exercise of applying it to the expression of their own thought .
29 This unit had been set up originally to refine the art of specific writing for Television ; either by seeking out works of literature suitable for adaption , or by commissioning new material and applying it to the ‘ TV-writing art form ’ .
30 Turn to allow for this drift , applying it to the QDM you are now flying .
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