Example sentences of "[v-ing] in [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But if your ticket allows you to fly back from Lisbon or Oporto , after all this culture you could go walking in one of the national parks , explore the wine regions , or treat yourself to a spa ( try Termas de São Pedro and Caldas da Rainha , cheapest in Western Europe ) .
2 There was an effective underwater scene which entailed the Girls walking in fours into a lake and appearing to drown .
3 In Nepal , dolphin habitat has traditionally been in deep clear water with swift currents , but hydro-electric development is occurring in many of the susu 's favourite remaining areas .
4 If what Jespersen suggests were true , however , one might expect to show some tendency to be dropped in the uses where it is " meaningless " and there is no sign of this occurring in any of the functions listed either by Buyssens or by Jespersen .
5 Significantly then , apart from isolated evidence of attempted antislavery pledging in 1792 in the middle of a parliament , it did not become a systematic technique of abolitionists until the culmination of the emancipation campaign in the early 1830s when parliamentary reform politics also triumphed .
6 One program , AUTOFRACTIONS ( see reference 3 ) , that has been used very successfully in the classroom produces large fractions on the screen in the format 4/15 = ? /60 , with the ? appearing in one of the four positions each time .
7 And I remember at the time , I was chasing you over a most ridiculous national press story that Emlyn did n't like the idea of you a pop singer appearing in one of his classics .
8 As right-wing supporters , many appearing in public for the first time in almost three years , welcomed their liberators with monarchist flags and fascist salutes , many other Spaniards faced a terrifying future : so terrifying , indeed , that to some suicide was preferable .
9 Our President , Lady Braithwaite , appearing in public for the first time in her new role , was warmly greeted , and during the afternoon she drew the first lucky winners of our 200 Club , a most important new venture to raise badly needed funds for the Society .
10 A This is difficult to predict but is likely to be happening in mid to late November .
11 But the fact should also be faced that these two developments represent in microcosm what has happened and is happening in many of Britain 's older industrial towns .
12 and it was happening in all of their theatres
13 No I , I think there is , there is a lot of evidence that this is happening in all of the villages
14 If the record is n't happening in any of the media , it is probably best to cut your losses and pay the bill .
15 Then began the publication of a series of coloured aquatint books , ending in 1819 with Historic , Military , and Naval Anecdotes .
16 He continued to hunt and race till he was well over 83 , dying in 1826 at the age of 86 .
17 It began trading in 1971 as the subsidiary of a Germany company before being bought over by its management team in 1987 .
18 The company only began trading in 1988 for the refurbishing of high voltage equipment and its installation and commissioning .
19 Returning in 1903 with the Morning and Terra Nova , Discovery was blasted free from the enclosing ice .
20 As a relative newcomer to The Artist I am revelling in many of your articles .
21 An example of his speciality of playing companies involved in take-over battles against each other was his false claims to Guinness and Argyll , bidding in 1986 for Distillers , that each was bugging the other 's executives .
22 Knocking in vain on Labour 's door If you 're not in a union , attempting to join a local branch of the Labour party can be a maddening experience , says Jane Furnival .
23 Brabham , the quiet , shy Australian , who was the first man from the Antipodes to break into Grand Prix racing , retired from driving in 1970 with 123 Formula One Grand Prix starts to his credit and 14 victories .
24 ‘ I do n't fancy the idea of living in one of their hostels , that 's all . ’
25 Jack would be very much surprised if his friend would n't be living in one of those houses in Ploughman 's Lane like the one where he sometimes did electrical jobs with real old French furniture and real oil paintings and the kind of china you looked at but did n't eat off .
26 Now I am thirty-five years old , and married to a traditional observant Jew and living in one of London 's most Jewish areas , I can laugh at the mistaken ideas I had .
27 Each child born in the industrialised world consumes between 20 and 40 times as much as a child living in one of the poorer countries .
28 Whereas some Orcadians see certain advantages in living in one of the Mainland 's urban centres there are many more who appreciate the benefits of building a house of their own in their home parish , not only as a means of maintaining their links with family , friends , and neighbours but as a means of benefitting from cheap family or friends ' land for building .
29 She was living in one of the small private hotels in Cromer on Social Security .
30 One example , irregular delivery of mail , a relation living in one of the Costas gets no delivery of mail for six weeks in summer — reason , the postman is on holiday !
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