Example sentences of "[v-ing] and had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And me and him started laughing and had to know what it was .
2 Her mother had telephoned her at the nurses ' home where she had been living and had asked her if she could come home .
3 He began fantasising and had to take avoiding action 81 when he took a corner too wide .
4 One patient receiving cyclosporin had severe nausea and vomiting and had to discontinue the study after one year .
5 But if Berowne had been writing and had blotted the paper at the desk , where was it now ?
6 It was raining and had become messy underfoot .
7 Novas got their shooting game going and had closed the gap to 48–47 before a succession of shots slipped wide of the basket to end their chances of a comeback .
8 Many people had to leave their homes in the clothes they were wearing and had lost everything .
9 Melissa , struggling to follow the staccato bursts of speech that punctuated their intake of food , was so fascinated by their mannerisms that more than once she lost the thread of what they were saying and had to beg them to speak more slowly , which they did with great good humour and shrieks of tinny laughter .
10 She regretted that she had had to make this incoherent and disingenuous speech , partly because , as she went on , she had begun to listen to what she was saying and had realized that at some level her apprehensions about her family were justified .
11 He had been travelling and had seen some pretty strange things .
12 It was not for the Government to pull the plug on a venture which was running and had cost Mr Murdoch ‘ vast amounts of money ’ .
13 perhaps , Allen told her doubtfully , the outlaws had heard the expedition was starting and had put out their fires as before ?
14 Probably she had been kept late by whatever it was she was doing and had decided to leave it until the morning .
15 The prosecution said that the two had been out drinking and had started to fight when they came home .
16 The boy genius had been singularly unforthcoming and had told her no more regarding his revolutionary schemes .
17 When he rubbed his face briefly — against her shoulder , when she felt his warm breath against her neck , when his big hands pulled her closer to him , she felt all her senses responding and had to work hard to keep her breathing slow and even and her hand light as it stroked his hair .
18 Now , nightly , when Leon had finished playing and had closed his door again , I would be left sleepless , confused by the force of my neglected senses .
19 By the end of February he was on a second hours ' exercise , and Sister Cooney , who had watched his restless pacing and had seen that he was bored , found him some light work to do .
20 Cross-examined by Anthony Morris , QC , defending , he said they had become close friends through their shared interest in scouting and had become lovers about three months before her death .
21 She asked for news of Robin and Jenny , and Aunt Sarah launched into an ironic description of how a Japanese tourist half Jenny 's size and four times her age had proposed marriage to her ( ’ At least I hope it was marriage ’ ) , and how Robin had got locked overnight in the bar of the hotel where he was working and had taken two days to sleep it off ; and gradually Ruth fought down her feelings .
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