Example sentences of "[v-ing] the [adj] of " in BNC.

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1 The union is forced to pour resources into simply maintaining the thousands of small branches which trade unionism in agriculture automatically involves .
2 1991 is not proving the easiest of years for the grain harvest and prices are under pressure , too .
3 Using the best of the season 's fruits we 've put together a delicious array of puddings that are easy to make and wo n't pile on the pounds .
4 Exuding period style and atmosphere but using the best of modern building technology to make your home the comfortable and luxurious haven you deserve .
5 Fine Scottish food using the best of local produce including salmon , venison and seafood .
6 The railway is currently under construction and will be using the trackbed of the long-closed Newbury Railway , previously standard gauge and originally Brunel 's broad gauge .
7 One of the proposals to relieve traffic congestion on Buxton Road seemed to envisage — details were difficult to obtain using the trackbed of the railway line together with a 100 feet wide portion of the field to create an urban motorway .
8 We thus obtain unc Also , we may now choose unc and using the second of Equations ( 6 ) we now find unc We now have to find
9 Indraugnir howled and lashed out at the Bloodthirster with renewed fury , using the last of his fading strength to keep the Blood God 's follower at bay .
10 This method of segmenting , however , can produce a finished article using the cheapest of materials .
11 I 'm using the both of right ?
12 There are probably many examples of instances in which Western technology has come up with a good idea which has the capability of helping the hundreds of millions of people in the Developing World .
13 He 's an older man and maybe an easier since he had me galloping the best of my horses lame over you , Owen .
14 The late afternoon slid into night , bringing a touch of frost and sapping the last of warmth and cheerfulness .
15 She loved these evenings with her father , was constantly aware that Sylvie 's absence had the benefit of bringing the two of them closer .
16 Pamela was just completing the fourteenth of the 15 lengths of backstroke she did every morning before breakfast when she realised she was n't alone .
17 He was eating the last of the pie with gusto .
18 Catching the last of the sun 's rays , ’ said Luke .
19 Right now he 's away on a skiing holiday catching the last of the snow . ’
20 Seeing the lowest of the low on a daily basis made you glad your child was normal .
21 ‘ And it starts right here , ’ Lucy said , looking at the makeup mirror and seeing the two of them fixed and framed in its unforgiving light .
22 ‘ I always had the impression ’ , said one , ‘ that we were not seeing the best of Harold Wilson in that period .
23 MOST VISITORS to Scotland intent on seeing the best of the scenery , and especially those coming from over the Border , tend to travel northwards in stages , halting often to view places already familiar or else recommended in guidebooks .
24 Deano did fine , but I suspect we still are n't seeing the best of him .
25 His Marrakesh time was a South American record , eclipsing the 2:10:42 of Nivaldo Filho , another much-travelled Brazilian , in Rome on November 18 .
26 Then it is across the road to the social club for the third pint , before tackling the first of the long uphill stretches to the Lamb at Denholme and the fourth pint .
27 Party leader John Bruton , launching the first of the campaign manifestos , said the Reynolds ' government had still left unemployment at a near-record high level .
28 The original 147 clauses were expanded and added to , becoming the 238 of the legislation .
29 For well over a century the design has been available whilst in 1909 the Science Museum , for example , acquired the example to be seen in the Computing Then and Now gallery , purchasing the cheaper of the two production models made by Messrs Newton and Co. and fully described in the firm 's literature Stratton 's brainchild differs from the Newton model only in having the second pendulum attached to the pen instead of hanging below the main pendulum under the table .
30 He played only 95 full games for Arsenal and is now peddling the last of his talent at Exeter , where he 's rumoured to have fallen out with manager Alan Ball .
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