Example sentences of "[v-ing] [indef pn] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You do n't get over disliking someone simply because you have n't seen them for a long time . ’
2 And I learnt a lot — mostly about myself … about giving everything but keeping something back because you 'll have to start giving again tomorrow .
3 Examples include warning someone so as to render police investigation fruitless ( Hinchcliffe v Sheldon [ 1955 ] 1 WLR 1207 ) and drinking alcohol after driving to frustrate the breath test procedure ( Ingleton v Dibble [ 1972 ] 1 QB 480 ) .
4 And since there 's something like seven thousand Standesamter in West Germany alone , you can have quite a job looking somebody up if you do n't know where to start .
5 I 'm not writing anything off because I 've had problems like this in the past which have suddenly turned round in a week .
6 He was leading one out as she reached him and he never stopped .
7 This will guard the installation against the risk of an electrical fire caused by current leaking to earth , and will cut off the power in the event of anyone touching something live when they should n't .
8 The foundation of this approach was a positive conception of liberty ; freedom as an actual capacity for doing or enjoying something rather than simply the absence of external constraint :
9 Erm it 's in Leeds erm and they know that I 'm going but I may need to call them and say that I 'm sending somebody else because I ca n't possibly go anywhere during the day on Wednesday .
10 Both can be seen as genuine attempts at making something out of nothing , attempts at getting something even if it 's only a laugh out of a life which , in many cases , by 16 has already run into a collection of brick walls labelled ‘ unemployment ’ , ‘ shit jobs ’ and ‘ routine brushes with the Law ’ .
11 so that they , they 're getting something back as well as
12 And I ca n't believe Frank would be holding anything back if he thought it could save a young girl 's life . ’
13 Mark , 26 , said : ‘ A woman was walking along like a zombie clinging to the little girl , but doing nothing even though the girl was completely engulfed in flames and sobbing .
14 Lancaster Gate awoke on Monday to find itself accused of doing nothing almost before it had had time to consider doing anything .
15 Sympathy with the person involved is often mentioned as the reason for cautioning someone rather than charging them .
16 Suppose we can rescue only some prisoners of tyranny ; justice hardly requires rescuing none even when only luck , not any principle , will decide whom we save and whom we leave to torture .
17 they were having one here as well and erm they booked it for the day and they were staying there overnight , cos they were , they 've got a house and they were gon na let guests stay at their house and while they stayed up there and then
18 And at the end of the day then , you have to weigh up whether or not you decide that even though , if you like in the strictest financial terms , it is not profitable to open the cinema and to employ staff doing that although presumably they 'd have to be employed doing something else unless you changed their rota patterns nonetheless because of your the demands of funding bodies , your own cultural aims and equal opportunities policies , you 've decided that you will do so even though it 's going to be marginally a loss in financial terms .
19 She 's consumed by love for Grant and just ca n't grasp the idea that she could be doing something else if he goes out with his mates and , understandably , he resents the way she intrudes on the time he spends with them . ’
20 doing something else when I 'm doing my own work .
21 The Minister must have been asleep or doing something else when I raised my final point about the article in the education press in Scotland about the middle of last year .
22 As the months passed , it became clear to me , however , that he was doing something else as well . ’
23 One might go on to say that if there are two or more consistent interpretations of the lowest level code , then it makes no sense to say that the computer is in fact , say , paying tax refunds rather than doing something else because that can never be more than a matter of pragmatic interpretation by some human users of the thing .
24 The veto , yes we touched upon that , that 's that 's stopping the congress from doing something rather than making them do something .
25 You certainly want to look at doing something now before you actually get taken sick .
26 erm , but , erm it 's , it 's pretty straightforward , I , I usually refer to the previous month 's erm things anyway just to make sure I 'm doing everything right cos they use
27 Well er we 're running something else as well at the same time so .
28 But I think the actual situation in some of these countries is that erm the loggers especially say like in Sarouac , where the government 's only granted three year licences to logging companies , they 're just going in there , cutting everything down because they 've only got a short space of time , and they 're trying to maximise , obviously , their profit .
29 ‘ Are you doing anything else while you 're over here Major ? ’ the other one asked .
30 You should only consider doing anything else if you are absolutely certain that he is definitely going to kill you , in which case you do n't have much to lose .
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