Example sentences of "[v-ing] [Wh det] you [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There 's no point in me explaining what you 've actually got there , is there ? ’ the Doctor asked .
2 Witnessing is not ramming your opinions and beliefs down someone else 's ear trumpet but gently explaining what you believe .
3 Do n't believe that you have to understand everything about Christianity before you can start explaining what you believe to your friends .
4 Be clear and precise when explaining what you want your computer to do .
5 Write to them , explaining what you need , at or phone them on .
6 That my mean risking your partner disliking what you have to say , but it is important that he or she knows your feelings .
7 Once you get in the habit of really noticing what you eat , and expecting from the restaurants the same care for quality and ‘ real food ’ value you try to achieve at home , making the healthy choice becomes second nature .
8 Yes , absolutely so questions er a very definite way of involving the audience and again it gives a measure of feedback does n't it because if you get the right answer you know that they are with you and you know they are understanding what you have to say .
9 This is an overdraft facility and one of the most flexible and convenient ways of balancing short term overspending which you know you can put right as soon as you 're next paid or , at the worst , within the next few months .
10 Establishing what you want and what you can afford — Page 2–3
11 ‘ Though I 'm sometimes so conscious of lack of technique , it 's also quite exciting to find a way of expressing what you see in a person in lines .
12 Is it a case of wanting what you think you ca n't have ? ’
13 The only thing that really matters is feeling and living what you believe — so long as it 's something more than belief in your own comfort .
14 ‘ I do n't blame you for being angry , believing what you do about me .
15 No doubt you were imagining what you take to be my imaginings about Gillian 's vestments : a sable swirl out of Boris Godounov , colours by Rimsky , light summer prints by the infant Rossini , gay accessories by Poulenc …
16 As well as defining what you want and making a list of questions there are several additional steps you can take to ensure you get the best possible results from your appointment with a general practitioner .
17 B. It 's good , you see , that you 're remembering what you 've read .
18 Both are available in a variety of colours , so that is no help in deciding which you have .
19 At the moment we are in a situation where you can get an extremely good example like the O'Reillys and you can get an extremely bad example and there is no way of regulating which you end up with .
20 It 's not just a question of deciding what you want to use a camera for ; you also need to think about the quality you want .
21 After the ‘ how your child 's life can be enriched ’ section , there 's advise on the basics like deciding what you want the computer to do , finding the software to do it , finding a computer that will run the software and shopping for the best deal on service and support .
22 It means deciding what you need and how you feel .
23 Would you have put on your disapproving hat and talked about tangled webs and reaping what you sow ?
24 ‘ I have nothing against sampling what you have to offer , but I warn you you will gain nothing in return . ’
25 ‘ I expect you 're wondering what you 've got .
26 ‘ I was just wondering what you do for a living . ’
27 Describing what you like and do n't like
28 Write a sentence describing what you think the customer means .
29 Some of you may continue the longstanding habit of Christians , of adding ‘ D.V. ’ to the ends of letters describing what you plan to do .
30 If you 're not robbing , you 're selling what you 've robbed , or getting stoned out of your mind .
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