Example sentences of "[v-ing] [that] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The government also helped to resolve outstanding tax problems by announcing that members of the new exchange would have stock lending relief and exemptions from stamp duty and stamp duty reserve tax .
2 Even indoors , where vigorous exercise was impossible , I would insist on open windows , explaining that lack of fresh air made me feel sleepy .
3 The writer 's po-faced style occasionally irritates : do people really need reminding that cases of bubonic plague should be treated immediately ?
4 They did so by highlighting the unlovely features of a meritocracy , by celebrating the virtues of a robust working-class culture now being absorbed into an imitative and shallow middle-class orthodoxy , by demonstrating that the eleven-plus examination unintentionally favoured children from the better-off families , by proving that measures of intelligence were not independent of social class or cultural background , by eroding confidence in the scientific accuracy of what needed to be an objective and reliable measure .
5 History is somehow proving that Kitchens Of Distinction are a valid fusion of the ( early ) '80s and '90s , where spiky , overcoated rock meets effects-stunned pop and gets on , miserably .
6 To produce immunity , live sporozoites must be injected intravenously after an irradiation dosage that allows limited intra-hepatic development , suggesting that expression of early liver-stage antigens is required for protection .
7 This is in accord with data suggesting that impairment of consciousness occurs more commonly following acute cerebrovascular accident to the left hemisphere compared to the right ( Albert , Silverberg , Reches , and Berman , 1976 ) .
8 This argument is supported by the report of Spigelmann suggesting that exposure of the foregut to bile may give rise to DNA adducts .
9 Antibody KG53 did not react with the non-toxic cereals , suggesting that part of the dodecapeptide is unique to the toxic cereals .
10 But in apparently suggesting that armies of feckless teenagers should be supplied with free contraceptives , Sir Keith irked the right too , which has been traditionally critical of the notion of indulging the young with the means of sexual hedonism unhampered by restraints .
11 However , others have not found any evidence of co-operativity ( n H =1 ) suggesting that binding of a single molecule of InsP 3 is sufficient to account for channel opening .
12 Mr Fred Pritchard a member of a firm of fruit merchants has written to the Council suggesting that members of the trade petition the Watch Committee to consider Thom 's position with a full knowledge of the facts .
13 In this way , both purpose and foresight of practical certainty are regarded as part of the definition of intent , although there are other statements suggesting that foresight of practical or ‘ virtual ’ certainty is merely evidence from which intent may be inferred .
14 Although this amounted to little more than a restatement of previously-agreed policies , including the Clean Air Act of 1990 [ see ED no 41/42 ] and the planned phase-out of chlorofluorocarbons , it did for the first time set a tentative target , suggesting that emissions of greenhouse gases in the year 2000 would be " equal to 1987 levels " .
15 Seeing that point of view does not mean agreeing with it or even empathising with it : it simply means being able to see what the view is — to look at things from that viewpoint .
16 but the strong impression I had is walking over the hill from Kettleborough where the gun club now is walking down into this valley and seeing that view of this little end of the village nestling in the hollow and I can remember feeling a extraordinarily strong sensation that I could easily live there
17 Seeing that sort of evidence , I would not put a ferret into the burrow but would take other action , since the fox is a predator I can manage very well without .
18 Extraordinary colouring , extraordinary , now 's the time one ought to be out and about , seeing that sort of thing .
19 It was pure luck , my seeing that notice of your concert .
20 On the contrary , many followed Malthus in believing that availability of food would always tend to limit population growth , and that the ‘ iron law of wages ’ would prevent the poor from achieving a standard of living allowing diseases of malnutrition to be banished .
21 Remembering that philosophers of the seventeenth and eighteenth century had already assimilated thought to perception , this is not surprising .
22 It is also worth remembering that choice of topic is affected by the power of the subjects of the research to resist the investigation .
23 As he said it , he held her eyes and suddenly Ronni was remembering that glass of champagne they 'd shared at the party .
24 The commission has called for the closure of the Bohunice power plant , warning that evacuation of citizens from nearby Vienna might prove impossible .
25 The United States filed a brief denying the supposedly exclusive character of the Convention , but urging that principles of comity should be applied to determine whether an order should be made under the Federal Rules when the foreign country had unequivocally stated that it regarded such an order as a violation of its sovereignty ; and argued that a District Court could in any event not order the taking of depositions in Germany without compliance with the procedures prescribed by the German authorities ( in this case , those of the Convention ) .
26 ( It is worth noting that titles of discourses often supply a broad explanatory context ; we might , for example , have called this extract ‘ The Piano Movers ’ , and immediately made it much more meaningful by doing so . )
27 In the case of joint submissions a letter will be needed confirming that methods of resourcing are available and have been agreed between the two parties .
28 Under this system , health care providers are reimbursed at a predetermined price for each defined unit of workload , regardless of the actual cost involved in providing that unit of workload .
29 Under this system , health care providers are reimbursed at a predetermined price for each defined unit of workload , regardless of the actual cost involved in providing that unit of workload .
30 Section 5 prevents this practice completely , by providing that avoidance of liability for defective goods caused by negligence of the person involved in their manufacture or distribution can not be excluded by a term or notice in a " guarantee " of goods ordinarily supplied for private use or consumption as against a person who has found the goods to be defective while he was using them , or while they were in his possession , otherwise than exclusively for the purposes of a business .
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