Example sentences of "[v-ing] [that] we do " in BNC.

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1 Noting that we do have many ideas and beliefs , he asks what is perhaps the most basic question of epistemology : ‘ How comes … [ the mind ] to be furnished ?
2 There are difficulties in answering a question by saying that we do n't know .
3 Erm , over the last few months , we 've been over our administration , attacked , saying that we do n't care about the rural communities , only the conservative party care about the rural communities , that 's what we 've been told .
4 It 's very difficult , because you 're , again , I mean , we 're saying that we do n't get positive feedback , how many of us truthfully give positive feedback through to our staff ?
5 Saying that we do n't
6 say , say , saying that we do n't hang about in the , he 's gone say that .
7 Morally speaking , one of the worst aspects of the autonomy-centred Enlightenment attitude has been to denigrate the receptive virtues , to make us so obsessed with giving that we do not know how to receive .
8 A possibility next year is to bring forward the Central Wales Line trip — assuming that we do n't try another line — to make a point about BR 's cancellation of the evening trains for the duration of the winter timetable .
9 ‘ Teach us , Good Lord , to give and not to count the cost , to fight and not to heed the wounds , to toil and not to seek for rest , to labour and to ask for no reward , save that of knowing that we do Thy will . ’
10 And I do not know of any other argument , not relying on PC k , which Nozick could use to show that we do not know we are not brains in a vat without showing that we do not know most other things either .
11 We can not even conclude that we do not exist without presupposing that we do .
12 And then once some specialist railway training comes along , we 're arguing that we do n't need it .
13 Because of the many hours of sitting that we do , we lose the ability to squat or even the ability to sit down without falling down .
14 That , part of th , of the issue I think about us , perhaps feeling that we do n't have traditions th is that we we are still rediscovering our own history , and I think a lot of traditions grow out of historical events or historical personages .
15 But I 'm also very anxious that we receive a full percentage whack of those profits and as you can see I , over the years , I 've been very assiduous in ensuring that we do move towards that position .
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