Example sentences of "[v-ing] [that] they would " in BNC.

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1 So she rode slowly through them , mostly holding her breath and praying that they would n't charge at her .
2 ‘ You 'd think people would have heed , but no heed , never any heed , no care for anybody else , ’ he complained as he drove ; but before the bridge he startled them by driving the car into the space in front of McCabe 's and announcing that they would walk the rest of the way through the village .
3 The Tokyo councillors from the LDP and the DSP defied their leaders , however , by announcing that they would continue to support Suzuki .
4 On Feb. 24 Klaus 's supporters , announcing that they would use the working name Civic Democratic Party , confirmed that they would follow the draft statute approved on Jan. 12-13 .
5 The leaders of the two Unionist parties , James Molyneaux ( of the Ulster Unionist Party ) and the Rev. Ian Paisley ( of the Democratic Unionist Party ) , effectively bypassed the ultimatum by announcing that they would fly to London on May 15 in the hope of meeting John Major , the UK Prime Minister .
6 He said all members of the Defence Forces signed an oath when they joined pledging that they would not associate with illegal organisations and this new vetting measure was an insult to those who risked their lives in the fight against terrorism .
7 Stewart Mason , Chairman of the NCDAD , was at the same time proposing to write to polytechnics and colleges with DipAD courses , in advance of a meeting of the London Colleges Alliance the following month , to raise the possibility of the two bodies ‘ getting closer together ’ , and suggesting that they would ‘ probably amalgamate ’ .
8 About 3,000 people converged on foreign embassies in Tirana on March 6 , believing that they would be opened to asylum-seekers ( as in July 1990 ) .
9 Bakunin was perhaps not entirely wrong in supposing that in such a time the spirit of at least potential insurrection was most likely to smoulder among the marginal and sub-proletariat , though he was quite mistaken in believing that they would be the base of revolutionary movements .
10 Even though some presenters use music merely as a vehicle for their own performances , it is worth remembering that they would all find it very difficult to do their job without the music base .
11 She would just wander off ; and then later she would come to , wondering where she was and remembering that they would be angry with her again .
12 He cautions against any hasty attempts at imposing reform from outside , warning that they would be very likely to upset the delicate social and economic balance which society has achieved — to cause unemployment among the medical profession , for instance , and to weaken the funeral as one of the main bonds of family life .
13 By Sept. 27 there were reports that the Iraqi authorities , who had introduced rationing at the beginning of the month , were warning that they would not be able to guarantee food supplies for foreigners beyond the end of September , but Iraq stated on Sept. 29 that there were " no plans to deprive foreign nationals of ration coupons " .
14 Kurz had been boasting that they would be the first to climb the face , thus adding to the triumph of the Berlin Olympics .
15 In retaliation , English troops inflicted a scorched-earth policy on the Border valleys and towns , burning Hawick , battering Ferniehirst castle and Jedburgh , and boasting that they would leave ‘ never a house nor tower unburnt ’ .
16 Doctors do not kill handicapped babies ; they allow them to die , implying that they would naturally die if left alone .
17 The other two had evidently been in hospital longer than I had , and they were like children let out of school , peering through the unblacked-out part of the window at the bright lights in the shops and rejoicing that they would be home for Christmas .
18 For a fleeting moment he braced himself for confrontation , suspecting that they would want all three bags , but they left him his .
19 They rang his new employers , stating that they would file charges
20 Before his resignation he had secured written undertakings from a number of parties stating that they would support his re-appointment .
21 ‘ . When the signatories said that he or she would be prepared to enter into a deed to formalise the situation , they were not postponing the legal effect of the document or reserving a final view but merely saying that they would be willing to do so if required , ie record in a more formal way the transactions which had already been made .
22 Arthur had eaten large helpings of scampi and steak-and-kidney pudding , refrained from the damson pie as a gesture , and taken his mind off the others ' plates by saying that they would do the film if he and Fred were allowed to write it , direct it , find the props , and put together the sound track .
23 And erm you know and I had a letter then from Mr , saying that they would consider us for a place , in the flats .
24 Will my right hon. Friend see what he can do to help some children in my constituency , who came to me saying that they would like access to present-day artists such as Yehudi Menuhin , Cliff Richard and Jason Donovan and other , younger stars ?
25 However , the Soviet Defence Ministry on March 29 offered an amnesty to other deserters , saying that they would not be punished if they rejoined their units immediately .
26 The following day three main militias ( the LF , the PSP and Amal ) issued statements saying that they would withdraw .
27 Castro described the action of his former communist allies as " repugnant " , saying that they would have blood on their hands in the event of US invasion .
28 With the issue of the chair still unresolved , the SDLP representatives withdrew temporarily from meetings on May 21 , saying that they would return once Brooke reached agreement with the Unionists .
29 On Nov. 21 , after an extra day of negotiations , eight out of the 12 republics reached agreement ( Ukraine , Azerbaijan , Georgia and Uzbekistan saying that they would sign at some future point ) , allowing the deferment of principal repayments on debt due at the end of 1992 , with an option to extend the deferral after March 1992 .
30 The opposition Social Democrats described the proposals as unfair , saying that they would reduce the opportunities for growth and accusing the government of deliberately creating unemployment .
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