Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv prt] and [art] " in BNC.

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1 The afternoon was drawing in and the water was choppy under the keen wind .
2 The night was drawing in and the kids had gone home and the tunnel under the embankment was deep in shadow .
3 My childhood was all about manners and how to hold your knife and fork and which glass to drink out of , and we had to curtsey , and as for my father , well , if I was looking like this — with blonde hair hanging down and the red lipstick — he would say I looked like a slut .
4 look at Bryony , with that red peaked hood and , and the front of this rain cover hanging down and the back bit all punched up at the back
5 If he 's had more time between the engine signing off and the aircraft hitting the ground , he could probably have dumped the drop tanks and jettisoned the canopy .
6 So let's sum up , I treated a similar case with 5 times the amount of fluid than the article used , the case was solid the next day and was viewed for 3 days and had no greying off and the colour was really good .
7 A change into dry clothes before gearing up and a quick brew .
8 Well I fucking done th see last Thursday I done our front garden and our back garden , I do n't know what fucking else I did n't do , and then I was storming out and the fucking dishes Willy
9 But as specialisation increases , such practices are dying out and the production chief who gives all his business to one or two companies is viewed with frank suspicion .
10 We both went crashing over and a furious fight ensued until two big prefects dragged us apart .
11 And the engine man he was on his knees beside the engine the engine was sticking over and the officer was in charge watching when we was watching the boat coming towards the grating you know .
12 track , because it it , no other transport business er has er does has to have a business , which op owns both the track it 's operating on and the operating er facilities themselves , so the we 're not doing anything new here , what we are actually doing , and incidentally the German government and other governments are going down the same route now because it 's not true to say that others are n't privatizing , what we 're doing is saying that we are having a separate track authority , and there are a variety of reasons for that , er but the an and that means actually less investment by the franchisee himself , but he will have control over the th the track operations , because he will have a contract , with Rail Track , to deliver certain services , and if Rail Track does n't deliver them then he 's able to claim penalties so
13 That evening is I crouched at the back of the slit trench , swatting the mauses and listening to the sound of shells passing over and the rain dripping steadily in through the entrance to the trench , I stared at the pool of water getting larger and hoped that the rain would soon stop , if it does n't I 'm in for an uncomfortable night .
14 The swell was picking up and the wind turning around .
15 Sales of prime London properties are picking up and the latest quarterly bulletin from the London Research Centre shows that for the first time in over a year , average prices have not fallen .
16 and it was always the picking up and the speed of it and so I thought well I , I
17 And the book is pushing back and the pen pushing on each other , so pushing out that way .
18 I was down there looking round and the herdsman introduced us .
19 ‘ There was no restoration work going on and no restoration materials stored there .
20 The top half of it slides down over the bottom half so that it can be lowered right down to table-top level when a debate is going on and a speaker is sitting down .
21 ‘ Unless something is done about what is going on and a stop is put to the chaos , then the health-care prospects for London are very gloomy . ’
22 ‘ I went out to see what was going on and a policeman told us to evacuate the area .
23 Now they are going to appeal , but in the meanwhile the work is going on and the bulldozers are ready and waiting on the west side of the excavations , right up against the seventeenth-century cellars which were found intact , still full of bottles and vessels .
24 As a result the climate of collaboration could be full of unresolved questions and tensions , children could be confused about what was going on and the potential of the collaboration could be subverted .
25 A considerable learning process is going on and the outcome — democracy , authoritarianism or prolonged instability — is uncertain ( Sakwa , 1990 , pp. 159–69 ; Smith , 1992 , pp. 129–45 ) .
26 What if the passenger gets out because he is terrified by what is going on and the car crashes at the next corner ?
27 Over the last fourteen years forty two million pounds and if they go on the way their going on and the way they 're talking it 's all gon na be for nicks nowt .
28 I started to walk a way out of the main bedroom and I heard P C say words to the effect of get down and I turned round to see what was going on and the man was trying to roll over to get up or that 's what I thought , erm not kicking or or fighting or anything but just to me it looked as though he was going to get up and I went back and with my hands just pushed down onto him and said stay there , it will all be explained er and then walked away .
29 I I was also thinking o of Veestol and and er the weapons going on and the mistakes anyway on on the developing a harrier replacement , is the R A F still interested in that as a feature a short take-off vertical take-off ?
30 So if the law was clear that in those circumstances they should have been on notice and should have therefore watched where the money was going , there would n't have been a problem and are we not saying that legitimate stock lending which I think is what is about is suggesting , if carried on properly on the market , would be all right , but if it immediately goes off market into the back doors and back rooms and people ca n't see what 's going on and the Financial Institutions take part in that , then they are doing something that un undoubtedly is probably going to cause loss to pension funds and should n't there be a clear law which makes them liable in those circumstances .
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