Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv prt] and do " in BNC.

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1 The the thing is Yeah , I mean anything Rather than travelling , telephone , because you have to run up an awful lot of telephone calls before it 's worth driving over and doing it
2 I know the poeple on Blackbird Leys are ganging up and doing it themselves , taking the law into their own hands , they 'll do it if there is n't anything done
3 One of the reasons Loop fell to bits was because we lost control of what was going on and did too many stupid things .
4 If this bit does refer to you , open your eyes , take a look around you , see what 's going on and do something .
5 He wants to get out of that office , get out into the areas , find out what is going on and do something about the problem , or I will kick his backside for him .
6 ‘ There 's never been much of a plan , so there 's no reason to cancel out any initial plans of getting degrees and going on and doing something else . ’
7 But he said there is a gang going round , and some are putting the chimneys on and the others are going in and doing the flues .
8 They 've been to bed and got up in the morning , and now they 're going off and doing things , like going to work and that .
9 Should n't say things like that , I suppose , ’ he simpered , ‘ but all my friends are going off and doing it .
10 Dr Robert Bradnock of the School of Oriental and African Studies in London said : ‘ Although the older generation strongly feel the pull of the old countries , I think they will put a lot of pressure on the young people to try and stop them rushing off and doing something which might escalate out of control . ’
11 They use a business language that is so predictable and going out and doing it is not part of the course .
12 It was n't because I enjoy killing , not just going out and doing it .
13 Yeah it is , it 's going out and doing the business as well but it 's got ta have a lot more intellectual input er in you know in terms of having a having a greater insight into how a company works , how an airline operates , how the marketing department operates and so forth .
14 Well seeing a lot of people , going out and doing things and I do n't know , just been really busy .
15 Erm so your confidence goes , your speed at working through it goes , you might find you 're going back and doing it again when it was right then first time .
16 The crowds are building up and doing things the American way .
17 I was a chargehand and then I just drifted into being a Redcoat , and getting up and doing five minutes on stage and enjoying it .
18 Afterwards he could n't justify his weakness in giving in and did n't try .
19 There 's something to be said for experiencing bad things and coming back and doing the business .
20 Cos there 's no point in coming back and doing a second appointment and just go through the motions cos that will lead to what ?
21 And anyway he would n't have stood for it — a woman running round and doing things on her own .
22 He followed his robots ( two children as robot nurses ) around , whispering instructions to them and occasionally taking over and doing the tasks for them as he found it difficult to be precise in his instructions .
23 I think that the church has the responsibility to continue to find new and innovative ways of reaching out and doing a better job and that is er testimony to the fact that we can continue to reach out to persons who are suffering in many ways , and I would appreciate and look forward to learning better from you how to do that and would be happy to share .
24 Do you know what they see years ago what their fellas used to on the footpath bending over and doing that
25 And then it was rolling over and doing all sorts were n't it ?
26 ‘ But I ca n't see Philip sitting back and doing nothing about it .
27 ‘ I enjoy talking about things other than golf , I love just sitting around and doing nothing , watching TV , going into the kitchen , walking around a while and watching the stock market .
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