Example sentences of "[v-ing] [was/were] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The one she insisted on inspecting was at the back .
2 The direction in which opinion was moving was toward the left of the political spectrum .
3 Going past the stands for the first time , the Unwins ' Upper Gumtree still showed in front but with Premiere almost alongside ; pampering was on the inside tugging his jockey 's arms out .
4 Especially if the bombs — or missiles — that plane was carrying were of the nuclear variety .
5 The most significant way in which times were changing was in the emergence of a new attitude to owing money , a new norm , a new orthodoxy .
6 Most of the pupils participating were in the fourth year , but some third years were also included in the last round of testing .
7 There was nothing unusual about MPs getting carried away during debates on crime and violence , however , or for the Speaker to find it necessary to call for ‘ Order ! ’ against ‘ shouts of sadistic enthusiasm ’ when whipping was on the agenda .
8 The room she was using was at the back of the house , and as she got up and walked over to the window to look out she could see a panorama of fields lying lush and green under a cloudless May sky .
9 The first time it stopped raining was on the ferry back from Boulogne .
10 Before refrigeration , salting was about the only process reliable enough to preserve meat .
11 One of my favourite places for working was on the roof tops , drawing city views , or by high open windows , looking out at architectural details .
12 Why they found them striking was for the stylistician to explain .
13 She did n't go out drinking or dancing ; she did n't do as one mother she 'd known ( in a story of maternal neglect that I remember feeling was over the top at the time ) and tie a piece of string round my big toe , dangle it through the window and down the front of the house , so that the drunken mother , returning from her carousing , could tug at it , wake the child , get the front door opened and send it down the shop for a basin of pie and peas .
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