Example sentences of "[v-ing] [to-vb] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I did n't know you were goin' to go and walk into another bloody bog last night and get all the sandwiches wet , did I ? ’
2 Their primary purpose is the conservative one of helping to sustain and maintain the existing order of things .
3 The satisfaction of knowing that their support is helping to sustain and develop Medau work .
4 He indicated a swing-seat , but with a shake of her head she refused to sit , preferring to stand and go straight into the attack .
5 Mrs. Mallett , the typist from the general office , had brought her knitting to work and fortified by an unshakeable alibi — she had sat between the postmistress and Mr. Mason from the general store at the village concert — and with something to occupy her hands , sat clicking away with understandable if irritating complacency until given the order of release .
6 The mix of helping to innovate and introduce change within the Company together with the constant technological advances in the market-place ensure there are always plenty of challenges .
7 Litigation may also have a valuable contribution to make in activating and mobilising a constituency of common interests , thereby helping to establish and strengthen a collective political identity on the part of otherwise somewhat amorphous interests groups such as environmentalists , or peace campaigners , among whom there may be less cohesion and common identity than is the case with other campaigning groups .
8 That is , he has been struggling to extract and create ‘ goodness ’ from his earthly life and to find some way to preserve it .
9 An effective way of calculating the additional costs relating to plant and labour , which can usually be treated together , is to identify an undisrupted part of the project .
10 Yeah , well I 'd been out to the bin and er , he was just sort of erm by the ground by the bin bags the wood round the corner and er then he was sort of coming and he was like dying to come and have a stroke but
11 AN Italian heavy mob are lurking to try and ruin Tranmere 's first competitive venture into European football .
12 The conference examined some of the key issues relating to CEHE and provided participants with examples of good practice in Community Enterprise and a very sound basis on which to develop Community Enterprise at Napier .
13 Forever Onward through contraceptive devices and old sticks , carrying the good words to new and freshly rotting society , signalling the path of Entertaining Effervescence and weaving artistic patterns of dirty foam while endeavouring to avoid and repel all hellish floating things that do seek to sink its buoyant ideals .
14 Hebbert joined him and moved left to the obvious beetling crack and groove line he had spotted from below — omitting to pause and wonder why this particular line soared up straight as an arrow , on a route called Curving Crack ! .
15 People have been struggling to explore and clarify those patterns in recent years .
16 A flexible society benefits from conflict because such behaviour , by helping to create and modify norms , assumes its continuance under changed conditions .
17 If our heart is stronger and working efficiently , oxygen will circulate all round the body helping to feed and renew our body tissues .
18 Margaret Ely from New York , on the other hand , was equally compelling in providing many specific examples of both beginning and more seasoned action researchers struggling to create and reflect upon their own writing .
19 Perhaps the shopkeeper should have a panic button under the counter to press during such a confrontation , and while humouring the shopper by pretending to go and look for some grey ones , stout men could rush in and restrain the customer before he can make it to his Access card .
20 It is this that one is seeking to transmit and show , and it is this which is the key to the wholehearted and free contribution of the individual .
21 The woodland marquee will house exhibitions of tools and timber species , with expert advice for farmers or landowners wanting to plant and manage woodland .
22 I can not get around now as I was once able to for my newspapers — but I stick to my policy now , as then , of wanting to see and size up would-be advertisers beforehand , so beg the pardon of the newcomers not included in my list .
23 e e even those that er you know are definitely wanting to go and keen can get homesick fairly soon .
24 It was a bitter summary of their unhappy affair , but compunction ensued , because it was n't Luke 's fault that he could n't love her , even if he had no right to despise her , so she added neutrally , ‘ There 's a Chinese tea-house or tea-garden — I 'm not sure what it 's really called — not far from here that intrigues me , and I 've been wanting to go and find out what it 's all about ever since I first passed it .
25 When seeking to evangelise and follow Christ we need to ask : Where is Christ to be found ?
26 Crustose lichens are an additional weathering agent , tending to penetrate and defoliate rock surfaces ( Walton , 1985 ) .
27 Gilbert , with the edge of terror still in his voice , was talking to keep himself sane ; and the others were listening to try and make sense of the nightmare in which they found themselves .
28 pretending to try and spill each other 's cocoa .
29 C.D.C. has been described as ‘ a mature business development strategy which is being actively pursued throughout every sector of the global economy by companies seeking to establish and build a profitable enterprise by delighting the customer . ’
30 ‘ Have you ever thought of escaping to try and find them ? ’ asked Endill .
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