Example sentences of "[v-ing] [to-vb] [pers pn] at " in BNC.

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1 In the afternoons fishermen in small skiffs laid nets along the low island of reeds which lay between us and the main channel , returning to gather them at night .
2 This man she 's married finally came to his senses , but he was refusing to marry her at one point .
3 The shipwrights of Exeter , for example , bound themselves in 1766 not to work for masters who were seeking to employ them at " less wages than have been from time immemorially paid to journeymen shipwrights " , to " deprive " them of " several of their ancient rights and privileges " and to impose longer hours than had been " usual and customary " .
4 Parent : ‘ He does n't play with them for more than 5 minutes before wanting to throw them at the wall . ’
5 ‘ I 'm going to see her at lunch time . ’
6 The man was going to meet me at the bottom of Ber Street .
7 Well , so I 'm going to meet him at Temple Meads and we 're going to set off to the Marquis family abode .
8 Pointy-Beard simply said that Sunil wanted to see me when he 'd finished eating and we were going to meet him at Shazam 's and did I know it .
9 You were going to sell them at one and tuppence each .
10 As vesting day , 1 April 1948 , approached , the shape of the organisations which were to take over the industry , and the men who were going to lead them at national and regional level were known .
11 Well I hope so anyway because I 'm not going to play erm international football at left back , I 'm going to play it at centre half , so hopefully erm Terry scouts will be watching me .
12 That was not going to help him at all , even if it made Humber happier .
13 We 're not going to do it at all if the King loses interest too early . ’
14 It begs the question however ; when 's he going to do it at Windsor Park ?
15 Without meaning there is only suffering , and I was not going to leave it at that .
16 At first it seemed that Francis was going to leave it at that , the ball in his court , but in fact he was trying to decide which would annoy her most : being kept in the dark about his conversation with Anna or knowing the truth .
17 I am very , very relieved and obviously taking advice on the next steps because naturally I am not going to leave it at this . ’
18 You 're gon na be on the road , the number of miles you do is obviously going to put you at risk , more than somebody who does a third of your miles .
19 He was going to kiss me at his sister 's , Meredith thought .
20 He 's going to cost them at least fifteen quid .
21 ‘ How long are you going to keep me at a distance ? ’ he rasped .
22 He said they 'd call at eleven if they were going to call him at all .
23 But he 's going to watch it at his mothers
24 No one tells us how we are supposed to deal with death — our own or that of other people — and yet we are all going to face it at some time .
25 Anyway this particular Monday morning I did n't feel like getting up although my Mam had already shouted : ‘ If he thinks he 's going to have me at his beck and call just to get him his breakfast when he wants , he 's got another think coming . ’
26 The children are going to have them at home anyway , so if the teachers deny themselves this extra resource , and deny themselves the experience which the children can bring , I think they 're cutting themselves off from a tremendous source of encouragement and motivation .
27 ‘ Yes , and he told her she should have the amnio in the next week if she 's going to have it at all .
28 She had the feeling that he was n't going to take it at all well and , like the Taurean bull that he was , he was highly dangerous when aroused .
29 Gibraltar , for instance , is often used to hold Spanish assets , although the Spanish tax authorities are aware of the situation and attempting to limit it at least as far as the holding of real property is concerned .
30 ‘ I thought you were going to tell me at least that it was for my own good .
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