Example sentences of "[v-ing] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 You must give the exact critical values , right , if those critical values that you are using to compare with the regressionally significant whether you have serial correlation or not erm so they 're very very important and they ought to be included erm because otherwise we do n't know whether a test statistic is er statistically significant or not .
2 Foinavon had been trained by Tom Dreaper in Ireland for Arkle 's owner Anne , Duchess of Westminster , but while in Dreaper 's charge had been notable mainly for his extraordinarily laid-back demeanour : in a chase at Baldoyle he was in the lead when falling at the third fence , throwing Pat Taaffe well clear , but Foinavon did not bother to scramble to his feet , preferring to remain on the ground and pick quietly at the grass beside him .
3 Here and there was the occasional flower bed ; the lilies and other wild flowers struggling to thrive amongst the brambles and weeds .
4 He 's helping to drive in the ewes for a mass ante natal clinic .
5 Hospital emergency wards were struggling to cope with the injured as radio announcers read lists of victims and broadcast anguished appeals from those who had not heard from relatives in the area near the explosion .
6 Hospital emergency wards were struggling to cope with the injured as radio announcers read lists of victims and broadcast anguished appeals from those who had not heard from relatives in the area near the explosion .
7 Representatives from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees have been struggling to cope with the flood of refugees and have appealed to the international community to step up relief .
8 The idea was to start a volunteer counselling service for adult victims of incest and abuse , but the response to Christine 's appeal was so great that ICAIRR is now struggling to cope with the demands on its services .
9 Life for a single parent was never easy — struggling to cope with the demands of a new baby , while at the same time trying to hold down a job .
10 toilet training and , well not toilet training but reminding to go to the toilet , look at his hat did you read in the paper that George Best has had to spend half of his testimonial money on debts
11 He spent the entire morning with his legs crossed , not daring to go to the loo in case one of his colleagues was in there at the same time and came to the wrong conclusion . ’
12 The track continues uphill , soon levelling to pass between the walls of Fell lane , going forward but constricted for a long and uninteresting mile with Ingleborough out of sight and little worthy of note along the way apart from a large rock embedded in the lane and known as Giant 's Grave .
13 He accused them of failing to face up to the implications of the voters ' choice should this happen , and of preferring to hide from the truth .
14 Hakim had previously acted as the equivalent of a Foreign Minister of the Democratic Arab Saharan Republic ( SADR — which the armed movement Polisario had been struggling to establish in the Western Sahara since 1976 ) .
15 " Did the service men come ? " asked Clara , feeling some word required of her , and yet not daring to comment upon the story 's true import .
16 Weasels , in any case , very rarely tackle mature rabbits , preferring to concentrate on the very small ones and on even smaller mammals .
17 Even the Trade and Industry Select Committee , which produced a lengthy report on the investigation system during 1990 , almost totally ignored the very existence of the s 447 enquiries , preferring to concentrate on the public inspections .
18 I have not followed international football for well over twenty years , preferring to concentrate on the bread and butter of non-League soccer , so I have no idea what Alf Ramsey thinks .
19 The Government 's recent decision to allow industrial tribunals to hear claims relating to breach of the employment contract may , however , bring this trend to a halt .
20 Already people who cancelled in January and February are back in our shops booking to go within the next two or three weeks .
21 CUMMINS Engine , the U.S. diesel engine maker with a plant in Darlington , claims it should be returning to profit in the first quarter of this year .
22 ‘ And how did she know he was dying to go to the match ? ’
23 I even went , I was dying to go to the toilet so I thought oh I 'll go down to the big er and I had no toilet paper so I 'll go down to the big toilets and shower rooms .
24 Bren was dying to go to the pub .
25 For example , the recent articles on minor surgery in general practice could be circulated to those on or applying to go on the minor surgery list .
26 They were for the entertainment of the workers in their lunch break er , it was n't really much of a job but er , I kept applying to go onto the floor to actually work on the aircraft but they , they would n't sort of er , I was needed too much in the receiving departments so in the end I left .
27 This family is characterised by the disk being ill-defined or constricted with the arms appearing to continue to the centre of the disk in some genera ; the disk may be covered with skin or a dense coating of granules ; the long and narrow radial shields ; the reduced papillae on the jaw with only the apical papillae well developed and the oral papillae small , like enlarged granules ; the genital slits situated vertically on the sides of the disk ; the arms long and covered with skin or granules .
28 The disk is small and ill-defined with the arms appearing to continue to the middle of the disk .
29 Similarly , in an effort to reach an accommodation with women trade unionists , the NUSEC rejected the traditional nineteenth-century feminist opposition to protective legislation , pledging to work for the extension of such legislation to men rather than opposing it for women .
30 They held conservative views , some of them very radical in their implications , but they remained realists endeavouring to work within the existing political system .
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