Example sentences of "[v-ing] [to-vb] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The biblical relationship of understanding to experience is quite different .
2 The sort of relationship you will be seeking to establish is rather like the one you have with good business colleagues .
3 Hard thinking is indeed required because the kind of information which science is dealing with and seeking to extend is quite literally mind-boggling .
4 Italy are going to be defending their territory , they 've got all these teams in their country , and like , some of them ; England , Holland , German , they 're going to like be there on Italian sort of territory and they do n't want that , they 're going to be , there 's going to be trouble I think .
5 He says in effect it is a new machine — the parts are the latest available , and the original machine they were going to buy is now obsolete .
6 Do n't look like that — I know it 's horrid , having to take people 's money , but we 've got to live , and what we 're going to do is absolutely honest and above-board . ’
7 And I 'll start backwards by saying what I 'd like to see , and that is that I think with a group of women coming from such a broad spectrum , that the work we 're going to do is never going to be the same and there are going to be large areas in which we may not be able to work together .
8 Analysts also believe that the majority of the those people who would not disclose how they were going to vote were more likely to be Conservative than Labour .
9 He kissed me ; it was intended to be a sealing sort of kiss to show me that he believed me and that things were going to start being all right , but the kiss altered in the middle and suddenly he pulled himself away .
10 Apart from which , this meeting that they 're supposed to be going to have is totally out of order anyway .
11 I think that people do n't want to see any more constitutional changes , but there are many more changes in the culture , in the way the Party operates at local , regional , and national level , which we will be addressing , but what we 're not going to have is more constitutional changes , because people feel that we 've made changes , we have moved the Party forward , we 're clear the direction we 're going in , and now the Party at all levels wants to address itself not only to building our membership , but also to showing how the policies we 've got meet the changed world outside .
12 What we are going to say is simply that the parts of this diet which are easy and effortless and even enjoyable to you will become part of your normal eating in the future .
13 Point I was going to say was about five million pounds of that probably hit the the public the rest is lying in garages and
14 That was really the reassurance I most wanted , the knowledge that what was going to happen was only a beginning and not just an incident .
15 The words were beginning to cease being just shapes and pictures .
16 Presumably it is much more likely that such a problem would be picked up by professionals involved in a family , but it underlines the fact that children who are failing to thrive are very much at risk unless they are being taken to the clinic , for example , or are being seen regularly in the home by a Health Visitor .
17 Being academic in origin the likelihood of Sparcle coming to pass is probably pretty dim .
18 He 'd forgotten about the booklet that he put forward on building regulations , the forward that he 'd put forward , so what he was asking to do was already Council policy that he initiated but forgot about .
19 Failing to delegate is ultimately a recipe for professional stagnation .
20 Learning to drive is often regarded as a prime example of this conversion .
21 However , learning to cope is only a fraction of what is involved in learning from experience .
22 Learning to read and learning to write are intimately related .
23 Learning to relax is as important as a healthy diet .
24 Ideas for innovation and adapting to change are more accepted by the small organisation culture .
25 She began showing up at whatever hotel he was working at during the day , claiming to have been just passing .
26 And what they will be trying to catch is just 70 very big carp dominated by a monster 36lb specimen .
27 Though what I am trying to do is just explore all these possible lines of thoughts erm in a political way , alright , but they do n't work out neatly and these critics got quite excited about so I thought I ought to point them out to you but you 're quite right in pointing out that they do n't work out neatly , O K. So we 've got to , where have we got to with George ?
28 and if er , what they 're trying to do is so that you work say twenty three hours the class contact , you , you ca n't be averaged for more than two hours a week , so you need twenty three hours for the first two terms
29 Observers reflect that what Apple is trying to do is quite difficult .
30 No , no I ca n't I just ca n't eat so I 'm not forcing myself to eat , what I 'm trying to do is only to eat the right things and I must start vitamin supplements I think I 've got the age when I probably need that , I mean , this cold is a warning to me that my immune system is not as strong as it ought to be , I should n't have had another cold so soon after getting rid of one !
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