Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pos pn] [noun pl] over " in BNC.

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1 It is to the reptiles themselves one must turn to find the greatest display of armoured scales that are all-enveloping , protecting their wearers over the whole surface of the body .
2 She groaned , pressing her hands over her ears , but it was n't that simple to cut off the insidious little voice .
3 Slinging their guns over their shoulders ready for use at a moment 's notice , the three truckers picked Grant up , Jube and Red linking arms under his shoulders , and Chuck taking his feet .
4 Transport Secretary , Paul Channon , has been explaining his actions over Lockerbie to MPs .
5 With his mother dead and his divorced wife living in Majorca , there is a side of Graeme Souness that the tabloids never acknowledge , a more solitary side of his life , walking his dogs over the hillsides near Edinburgh , wrapped up in football , obsessed with success and a wealthy victim of Scotland 's passion for football .
6 Cranston stared moodily down at the floorboards , scuffing his boots over the polished surface .
7 In particular , the government gave little attention to using its powers over investment to re-structure major sectors of industry , as was being done on the Continent and in Japan [ Estrin and Holmes , 1983 ; Hayward and Narkiewicz , 1978 ] .
8 It 's real lovely to have Marie there so close to me with her brushing her fingers over my face .
9 No more talk about scattering her ashes over the Mediterranean by moonlight .
10 An experiment with a psychic healer passing his hands over the polymer-coated slide , resulted in a tearing of the film membrane in several places .
11 He made them by scattering his droppings over the sky and this is why the grass and the trees grow so thick on the world .
12 He smiled , holding the hollowed column lovingly between his hands and smoothing his fingers over the spiralling pattern of the wu-tu , the ‘ five noxious creatures ’ — toad , scorpion , snake , centipede and gecko — then drew it on , easing himself into its oiled soft-leather innards and fastening its leather straps about his waist .
13 I put on my clean uniform and adjusted my beret , blousing my trousers over the buckles of my combat boots .
14 Hardly an evening passed without one of the Mendozas gnashing their teeth over old videos of the Open and swearing : Death to the O'Briens .
15 Knowing that I wanted to speak to the bedu woman to learn more of her life , the Sheikha signalled me to stay while they moved out of the dining room , pulling their veils over their masks .
16 Ever since Maastricht the Tories have been wringing their hands over how best to restore their ‘ caring ’ image among the feminists they enraged by opting out of Europe 's Social Chapter .
17 When the tea break comes everybody rushes to the model , holding their cups over the plan .
18 As he thought of them actually screwing — of Maisie winding her arms round him , hitching her legs over his , pumping up and down , up and down — the blood rose to his face .
19 I envisaged a deadly tarantula creeping slowly into my bed , spreading its legs over me , about to bite !
20 To find sufficient shelter , however , meant spreading his forces over a wide area , the cavalry between Stone and Stoke on Trent , a distance of eight miles [ 13 km ] , the infantry over more than 40 miles [ 64 km ] between Stafford and Warwick .
21 By spreading his proposals over the next three years Norman Lamont sent out the message that he was looking ahead and planning for the future , said Mr Wellerd .
22 I saw him crying out and holding his hands over his face .
23 Even as I was recording my triumphs over a hostile and alien world , I was also expressing such sentiments as , ‘ Oh , it 's not even worth writing down — the same , usual , dismal , tedious , boring story . ’
24 Running my hands over the matting , fascinated by the craftsmanship , I searched vainly for nails .
25 Clasping her arms over her stomach , she tried to stop the writhing inside her .
26 Slowly he removed his mouth , closing her fingers over the spot where his lips had left a burning imprint , a brand on her flesh .
27 A troupe of experts has toured the country giving their views over periods of several days and as a result some courts have convicted and others have acquitted .
28 He and Henry had been going all their grown-up lives to the British Transport Museum in Clapham , running their fingers over the polished wheels , regretting the end of brass fitments , and taking in the beauty of the fish-net luggage racks .
29 Aside from running their hands over the dog 's body and legs , checking its conformation , judges may want to have a clear view of the dog 's mouth , to check , for example , that the jaws are neither under or overshot , according to the breed standard .
30 Cal was standing there , anxiously running her eyes over each of the carriages , looking for me .
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