Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun prp] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He was tearing Germany apart and already preparing for war , the Jews being his first victims .
2 I seem to remember my Panini album once to my horror picturing Stewart rather than Harvey , with the blurb along the lines of ‘ looks set to make the 1st team spot his own ’ but I do n't think that ever happened .
3 Former England winger , Brian Marwood who 's on trial could have celebrated his first game with a hat trick , but County keeper , Martin Taylor was on top form and by keeping Swindon out and keeping his own team in the game he was the match winner .
4 But some bankers have an acute awareness of where their loyalties lie and the idea of winding Eurotunnel up and continuing the project with a new management company may have its attractions .
5 Warden was enjoying himself in the background : it was a new experience to see someone else tackling Buchanan rather than the other way round .
6 Masha hugged Sergei , thanking God again that all was well .
7 She sat there looking much less pale and thanking God privately that He 'd stopped that horrid war in Finland and brought Charles back to her .
8 Weir said : ‘ I 'm confident of keeping Alex out and stop him scoring .
9 Morthen slipped into the lodge , circling Tallis warily and keeping her eyes averted .
10 ‘ The thing is , ’ he murmured , sending her a smile that managed to be wicked and appealing all at the same time , ‘ I 'm so used to trusting Simon completely that I forgot you did n't know him at all . ’
11 As he was speaking he was looking Patrick up and down .
12 Are you writing Friday then or Thursday ?
13 Erm Rob and Polly 's mum 's picking Simon up and taking him home and erm , Annette 's picking up most nights Gary 's gon na be home just after four so it 's actually someone to take them home .
14 Beaten again : Martina Navratilova lost in two straight sets at Flushing Meadow yesterday but she in not definite about retiring from the game .
15 Finally about quarter to eight he shoots through to the other room and finds Dick and Joy Hardy there , they were supposed to be picking Gwen up and bringing her round .
16 Right , I 've just got a , two or three minutes , I 've just wan na get something quickly done before we , we close and I 'm not gon na look up all the references , because your get them for next week any way in , in the house group , but , now , now in a sense it 's difficult to understand to take all this in after all his God and were people , how do we understand Jesus , it 's , it 's difficult , however knowing something about them does help us to understand something important , it helps us to understand what happened when Jesus ascended , when he went back to heaven , you see when Jesus arose from the earth the , the disciples who watch him it says there in Acts chapter one , they saw him go up in to the heaven , up into you know in a cloud , have you ever thought what that really means what on earth was it , they saw him go up in a cloud , can you image a sort of great clouds coming and dropping down over the mountain top there and was suddenly whisking Jesus up and then watching Jesus going up in this cloud into the sky , I do n't really think it was quite like that , have you ever wonder why it was that Jesus went up in a cloud , you see what was he doing , he was n't beginning a journey to some far off place in the universe , some distant corner where God the father was , he was n't doing that at all , what do you think a cloud can you , give any suggestions of what a cloud might represent because very often a lot of some of the language in the bible is picture language and it , it , it speaks as something else , what do , what do you think a cloud , does any body have suggestions of what a cloud might speak to us about , or speak to us of , sorry , power yeah , any thing else
17 He was looking Jess up and down .
18 In reply Cresson denounced the opposition for being " demolishers " damaging France rather than " builders " , and said that the government intended to stay in office until the end of the parliamentary term in 1993 .
19 LIFESPAN prohibits users from passing SPRs back and forwards indefinitely .
20 ‘ Ah , ’ said Constance , pushing Eliot aside and brushing her lap .
21 ‘ With pleasure , ’ he adds , smiling and looking Robyn up and down .
22 It consists of making categorical and systematic certain distinctions made , and preferences expressed , by Eliot in his essays ; and then dismissing Pound merely because he writes with a measure of respect of certain writers ( Swinburne is one example ) on whom Eliot , the arbiter of taste , is supposed to have conclusively turned down his thumbs .
23 It would mean seeing Alain again and she was n't sure if she could do that and retain any distance .
24 Erm you would n't have you would n't be releasing Michelle back and losing losing her to testing .
25 I 'm a bit less pissed off about selling Batty now since a ) we did n't loose on Saturday ; b ) Rocky played well ( I bet he 's been given a run in the 1st team and a confidence boost with it ) ; c ) I heard Batty saying things like ‘ he did n't have to sell the club ( rovers ) to me ’ , with no hint of remorse at leaving Leeds .
26 and then er , so by half past four I just about had enough like , so five o'clock I said well for Christ sake come on open your stocking now like and waking Arthur up and he saying well I ai n't , and I said come on it 's five o'clock , alright , and by six o'clock we 're downstairs , half past six the door
27 Grout turned away , straightened his back and brought his head up , ignoring Ashton pointedly as he walked proudly away .
28 He would probably try releasing Osman even if he gave no outward sign of acquiescence .
29 The possibility of value shifting derives from the fact that , in the above example , Target is paying Newco more than the economic value of the losses so , unless this is value shifting , it is also a tax-efficient way of " distributing " profits from Target to Newco , and need not be done out of Target 's distributable reserves .
30 That I 'm still rehearsing Hamlet somewhere and waiting for the pain to end . ’
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