Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] at his " in BNC.

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1 There I saw an unusual sight : the admiral in shirtsleeves and braces sitting astride a very low dressing-table stool and gazing keenly at his reflection in the mirror , the ADC on his knees behind him brushing the curls at the back of his head .
2 She made no answer , but rose from the chair , knowing when she was beaten , even though she was fuming inside at his high-handedness .
3 Genius is the bust of Beethoven and Keats dying and Shelley dying and the size of War and Peace and poor old Sartre banging away at his trilogy and Hemingway paring it down to its essence and Monet unable to distinguish colours any more and Picasso staring out at the camera with his chest bare and his eyes blazing and Cézanne snarling like a dog and then walking out of Aix with his canvas and paints on his back to paint that mountain and Byron dying and Pushkin dying and all the rest of it .
4 ‘ The River Rat ! ’ he boomed , laughing heartily at his own joke , ‘ never takes his hat off because he 's BALD and never puts his boat in the river because he CA N'T SAIL ! ’
5 Clarissa was asleep in her carry-cot and Christopher was painting noisily at his easel .
6 Ranulf flashed the coroner a dagger glance but Cranston was already rocking to and fro in the saddle , laughing uproariously at his own joke .
7 Stephen laughed , and Felix felt vaguely resentful , but it was fine at the moment to see his friend laughing even at his expense , so he brushed the mood away and continued with an invention about Mao studying Princess Anne 's record at gymkhanas .
8 A cheerful , boozy chain-smoker , who had started his career as a film editor , Ron had a cough that seemed to rise from the soles of his shoes , and a propensity for laughing hugely at his own , often very filthy , jokes .
9 She will have spent the last 30 years of their marriage sitting in the passenger seat of the car which she is still unable to drive , disappearing into the kitchen when his climbing friends call round for a beer , and laughing dutifully at his mountain anecdotes over a dinner she has made for his boss .
10 The Cape people excitably promise ‘ a spy story , a political thriller , a meditation on identity and a confession ’ , but it 's a racing cert that it will be Roth nagging away at his Jewishness , his Roth-ness , his menagerie of doppelgangers , turning solipsism into style .
11 There , behind the high green doors of his mews home near Harrods , the supreme politician of motor sport had talked about confidence , recited his answers carefully and faced the television cameras with practised ease , all the time picking nervously at his sleeves and repeatedly pulling up his socks .
12 ‘ And this is Jenna , ’ he added , looking swiftly at his mother .
13 With Leoncico snapping genially at his heels , with a force of 190 Spaniards and with several hundred more local guides and porters embarked on a fleet of nine canoes and a small ship named the Chapinera , Balboa set out for Acla on the morning of Thursday , 1 September 1513 .
14 As he finished shaving he found he was grinning broadly at his reflection in the mirror ; in that jungle dawn he knew he was as happy as he had ever been in his life .
15 At Lewes Prison , Colin Fairfax was grinning broadly at his brother across a bare table in the visiting room , which was otherwise deserted .
16 She rolled out the towel on the table , revealing two scissors she turned back to Patrick , looking critically at his hair .
17 She pictured him , tapping away at his nose and almost gleefully saying , ‘ I told you so , ’ and felt sick .
18 ‘ How did you get on with him ? ’ she asked , taking a sip from her glass to avoid looking directly at his face .
19 The lorry pulled away from the kerbside with Tony the driver looking helplessly at his two friends .
20 He took an extreme position on law reform as well as in matters religious , and his fellow millenarians took to meeting regularly at his house to concert their parliamentary tactics .
21 ‘ Good , ’ the T'ang said , turning away , looking excitedly at his Chancellor .
22 Grinning triumphantly at his son , the senator dropped two fresh shells into the magazine of his rifle .
23 Richard recalled looking across at his wife , her face glowing from the wine she 'd drunk , her manner relaxed .
24 Yuan turned his head , looking across at his father .
25 Her husband , looking hard at his glass , said : ‘ You ought to keep on the right side of her , any road .
26 ‘ That 's a good bit of herrin' , ’ he said appreciatively , looking closely at his plate .
27 Dr Harrison , who places stress on the importance of looking closely at his patients , watches eyes and eyelid margins to see if they are red or swollen .
28 Pooley was looking again at his notes .
29 ’ He paused to light his Gauloise , and drew on it deeply , looking appraisingly at his brother .
30 In the icy smack of the delousing shower Marcus caught Gleeson looking appraisingly at his body .
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