Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [is] that " in BNC.

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1 Intuitively , what is happening here is that the force which argues for an increase in output ( fall in prices ) from the double marginalization position in monopoly is being outweighed by a force which argues for a decrease in output ( increase in price ) from the duopoly position .
2 What is happening here is that a medrese , normally of the grade , is being turned , into a medrese .
3 And wh what tends to happen is the dreams are , are , are repetitive , although they often vary in small details , and the idea is , or this was Freud 's , Freud 's idea , and basically it 's the same as his explanation of anxiety dreams , that , that what is happening here is that the mind has got a very disturbing latent content that it ca n't forget .
4 Also worth noting here is that Hankamer ( 1977 ) has put forward the possibility of competing grammars for a body of linguistic data as a force inducing syntactic change .
5 One reason for that drifting away is that , as a result of the Government 's failure to obey European Community rules , we are not getting the money that we should under RECHAR .
6 The stated reason for doing so is that an increasing number of cardholders are paying their bill at the end of each month , pay nothing for the card , and are therefore being subsidised by those who do use the credit facility .
7 The major disadvantage of doing so is that the data formats required by the two packages are very different .
8 His motive for doing so is that he thinks that English verse has been ill-served by prosodists in the past .
9 Well , I think we had much higher hopes before the Gulf crisis , I think what many people are saying now is that the peace dividend , the money that we could have saved by the end of the Cold War , will in fact , that peace dividend will be diluted by the Gulf .
10 What I 'm saying here is that , if you fancy one , it should be checked out carefully in the shop before parting with the ready folding , even though , for the price , you 'd have to go a very long way to beat it .
11 Right , okay , what we 're saying here is that the mum and the dad are normal people , they do n't have any problems , but they have got each of them have got abnormal gene and they 're going to have a family , the first baby that they have gets two normal genes , one from each parent , you only get one gene from each parent , fuses so that makes two genes so the baby has two genes , right , the first baby gets two normal genes , right and that baby is normal , which is very clear right , so here we have written this baby is not P K U affected and is normal and does n't actually carry the gene any more , does that make sense to you ?
12 If we just go back to , to what we 've just said and read the first paragraph , wh what he 's really saying here is that a revolution is taking place
13 he 's looking , he 's interpreting the peasants as being a very different their nature , motivations being very different and , and they are , th that they are taking action and what he , what he 's saying here is that not only is this a peasant revolution taking place but it is a , it 's a peasant revolution which is being led by the poor
14 Erm right so looking at the details of those , right what we 've , what we 're actually saying then is that if erm you , you would want to provide that income or want to make sure that that , that income was available should you die tomorrow ?
15 Er what you 're saying then is that the house then is being , gon na be put up
16 I 'm not The thing is what you 're assuming then is that the pattern in the peak hour is typical for the day as a whole .
17 What you are suggesting then is that the time should be extended from five o'clock Friday to five o'clock Monday , er but that er there should be a period of two weeks after that er to for whichever council or councils are going to respond , for them to make .
18 It 's , all this is showing really is that when we do multiplication normally , you see if you , if you 've done this sort of multiplication , you 've seen the pattern and how things are working and how you 're not , someone says to you multiply erm seventeen by a hundred and one .
19 The point I am making now is that , even if we look on the dark side and assume that individual man is fundamentally selfish , our conscious foresight — our capacity to simulate the future in imagination — could save us from the worst selfish excesses of the blind replicators .
20 What I am arguing here is that the meaning of a linguistic feature can not be determined outside its context .
21 The main significance of blocking here is that , even if a low percentage of records is hit in a run , blocking them together will increase this figure .
22 A point worth making here is that patients need to understand from an early stage the meaning of diabetes , that they have diabetes now and that they will always have it .
23 The point worth making here is that there are many alternative schemes for interpolating from irregular point data ( Lam 1983 ) .
24 The point I am making here is that when you tackle a big job you need the necessary resources to complete it .
25 The point I am making here is that the interpretation of symbolic action in the context of social relations is not just a matter of inspired hunch .
26 The United States had the same sort of missiles in Italy and in Turkey and , before this crisis had developed , President Kennedy had in fact ordered them er to be er er returned to the United States , these missiles had no strategic purpose at all because a major change that had come into the strategic equation was the arrival of the intercontinental ballistic missile , and it was these missiles , really , which held the strategic balance er and were to change in fact radically both international politics and global strategy over the years to come , but I 'm going to talk about that later , the point I 'm making here is that er Khrushchev claimed that the missiles were there in the event of an American assault on Cuba , they were a deterrent weapon in exactly the same way as the defensive deterrent weapons er were d were defensive er for er the United States and for the Soviet Union .
27 The United States had the same sort of missiles in Italy and in Turkey and , before this crisis had developed , President Kennedy had in fact ordered them er to be er er returned to the United States , these missiles had no strategic purpose at all because a major change that had come into the strategic equation was the arrival of the intercontinental ballistic missile , and it was these missiles , really , which held the strategic balance er and were to change in fact radically both international politics and global strategy over the years to come , but I 'm going to talk about that later , the point I 'm making here is that er Khrushchev claimed that the missiles were there in the event of an American assault on Cuba , they were a deterrent weapon in exactly the same way as the defensive deterrent weapons er were d were defensive er for er the United States and for the Soviet Union .
28 More telling still is that where ASWs considered relationship problems primary no woman referred by GPs was sectioned .
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