Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [coord] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Many villages , especially in Persia , which have long been associated with highly sophisticated work , have either ceased weaving altogether or produce so few examples that they now have only an historic relevance to the contemporary scene .
2 It was here that Sybil decided to give up acting altogether and dedicate herself to Richard 's career and the eagerly expected family .
3 I pay tribute to the Chairmen of the Social Security Select Committee and of the Health Select Committee , who have found a way around the difficulties of operating together and have produced a more interesting report as a result .
4 Find out what the person in doubt is believing wrongly and help him to follow the logic of these presuppositions to their necessary conclusion .
5 They did a mass formation practise for some show in Cairo , and he would get in the back of an Audax , throw off his parachute and Sutton harness , then kneel looking backwards and control the formation like the leader of the Halle .
6 I am able to respond to their emergent writing honestly and give it significance in the drama .
7 He would soon realise he had been acting stupidly and feel sorry for his bad temper .
8 The public will be able to visit the centre , talk to companies currently operating there and see how the centre can help new businesses .
9 H e most often appears as a ghostly mosquito who will suck the blood of any white child living nearby and use this life-force to resurrect the dead .
10 If the selection decision is wrong or the selection process badly handled , the employee , or his spouse or family , may be unable to cope with living abroad and have to return to the UK .
11 But later editions of today 's Sun newspaper say Colonel Stewart and his 40-year-old wife , Lizzie , are now living apart and have consulted solicitors .
12 Anthony Cheetham offered me complete control of the whole sales operation at the Orion Publishing Group Ltd , encompassing home and export sales for both hardbacks and mass market paperbacks , and while I have been very happy at Random House in its many incarnations , I felt it was too good an offer to miss .
13 I get to the fence leading downhill and follow it , stumbling now and again on the rocks and stones left at the side of the field ; my eyes are still adjusting to the darkness .
14 Under the YT programme , the Government are paying less and expect the employer to pay more .
15 Pin top edges of valance and lining together and drawstitch the folded edges together .
16 ‘ I do n't want to pry into your affairs , but you did ring me and you ca n't just say you 're going away and leave it at that . ’
17 Take a 79 , 24 or a 51A , B or C , bus going southwards and get off on the South Circular Road , Kilmainham .
18 The norw. team who looked sure to qualify have vasted it in the last two games by loosing away and have no chance to qualify .
19 Yeah but I 'm not I 'm going home and put on a different pair of shoes though .
20 Neither impatient nor inattentive , she had a positive gift for remaining still and alert , her large brown eyes fixed upon him as he reconstructed those distant events , willing him to remember and recall every incident , however minor , every remark , however trivial .
21 Thus the question Raper had to ask was why do the G and C cells stop growing laterally and turn ?
22 Jim , I 'd love to keep going here and ask you a whole lot more questions .
23 As Devon Loch struggled up there was still time for him to get going again and hold off E.S.B. , but his hind legs seemed not to function and he could not move on .
24 Conrad ( 1979 ) shows deaf children do not develop speech coding easily and do not read well .
25 Hold the pattern sheet ( clipped into the pattern sleeve ) with the arrow pointing downwards and slide it into the slot at the top of the console .
26 Yeah we thought it important to send to you because we are , you know , a bit out of the way that 's all and erm people tend to go zipping past and have to go up to the roundabout and come all the way back down again cos it 's quite a busy road this and
27 He came to the county to leave teaching behind and start a new life as a professional photographer .
28 Anyone staying here and want a cup of coffee ?
29 The next hurdle is to stop moving forwards and keep the model stationary over one spot .
30 It meant that we could keep moving forward and keep our rhythm . ’
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