Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun pl] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The procedure will involve photo-copying at two stages and cut out typing forms both for Sheriff Clerks and Local Secretaries .
2 THE big guns came out firing blanks again at the US Open yesterday as the upset epidemic claimed world number one Jim Courier and three-times Wimbledon champion Boris Becker .
3 The world is a treasure house of free delights ; beyond music and poetry are painting and sculpture and these are only the arts ; the joys that come from the mystics compared to those from the arts are like seeing masterpieces instead of prints .
4 The Mexicans crossed the border to sell fruit and vegetables very cheap to the over-fed Americans , though Jane noticed that her overweight hosts made a great ceremony of using tablets instead of sugar in their coffee .
5 ‘ In a way it 's quite lucky it all happened when it did — but it 's a shame for other people who will be bringing cases forward in the near future . ’
6 This includes training , using varieties resistant to certain pests , forecasting and biological control , using pesticides only in response to problems , not as a matter of course .
7 I turned with burnished wings to face the wicked young mother , accusing words already at the roof of my mouth .
8 He firstly introduces the greater beneficial effects of administering remedies always in liquid form , the reason for this being that the medicine ‘ comes in contact with a much larger surface of sensitive nerves responsive to the medicinal action ’ ( 5th edition §286 ) and because of this the effect of the remedy increases .
9 Another organisation , ‘ Rock Against Terror ’ emerged from a nighttime incident in which musicians from two groups in Moscow were roughly treated by the police for singing songs loudly in the streets .
10 Leaving aside the question of how many juveniles used the exchanges , how far was the service successful in channelling school-leavers away from so-called ‘ blind-alley ’ occupations ?
11 The need for experiments on awake animals is sometimes questioned on the grounds that the answer could be found by studying isolated cells in dishes or by using computers instead of real brains .
12 Ungrateful or demanding clients particularly in the — what was then — Department of Health and Social Security .
13 Obviously , if you 're building steps entirely of bricks , paviours , setts or walling blocks , or casting them in concrete , an overhang wo n't be possible .
14 So when I 'm seeing clients mainly at the end of a , of a three year , fixed-rate deposit , again at five years when we get a National Savings maturing , and so on and so forth .
15 One method for a company to identify the sources of stress is by having a ‘ stress audit ’ , which is a yearly check on ten to 20 per cent of the workforce , using questionnaires together with group and on-to-one interviews , on how they are doing and what problems they have had .
16 She went straight down to the kitchen in the basement where her mutterings turned into a clear expression of disgust at the mess , cooking vessels all over the place and nothing cleared up .
17 But by and large rugby has much to be proud of as a vehicle for bringing nations together in a sporting brotherhood when political barriers threaten to keep them apart .
18 The cutbacks , however , wo n't affect the Primera and Micra factory in Sunderland , which has cost Nissan £900 million since the company started building cars there in 1986 .
19 As far as output is concerned , some do particularly badly — producing outputs completely in the wrong ballpark ; some , however , are rather better and a few are really quite good .
20 ‘ It is up to them to put a high priority on bringing arrears quickly under control .
21 By announcing investigations all over Britain it had set up a series of confrontations with the public .
22 Since the 16th century the ease of hybridising all these naturally occurring forms both in nature and by the gardener has given rise to the delightful range of varieties we now grow .
23 Although the White Paper claims the government has " a long standing policy of keeping roads away from Sites of Special Scientific Interest " , a Friends of the Earth critique points out that this " rhetoric is not born out when the implications of the Department of Transport roads programme are examined " .
24 Well you know this next door neighbour of theirs that 's been driving cars all over the place ?
25 As [ an ] example of such measures , all having the same effect — of keeping subjects perpetually at work and in poverty — we may mention the pyramids of Egypt …
26 His body was brought over from New York by Mary Read and fifty Girls representing troupes all over the country met at Westminster Bridge Road and had the strange experience of travelling in the Necropolis Funeral train to Brookwood Cemetery .
27 Although most nomadic tribes have a long history of weaving rugs specifically for trade , a number of items coming onto the western market may well have been made originally for personal use .
28 The army continued with its exercises and I continued with my life ; friends from the TA would join the regular army , returning months later with stories of how much tougher things were there .
29 In BR there has been a strong tradition of resolving disputes peacefully by negotiation through the various stages of the machinery .
30 Fold the left and right-hand corners underneath the napkin on a slight diagonal , pressing folds lightly in place ( pic 3 ) .
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