Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun pl] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Enjoying immunities from various forms of taxation and from administrative interference by the State , the monasteries were at a distinct advantage in accumulating land and retaining scarce peasant labour , and they benefited from a flow of bequests by repentant sons of the Church .
2 For example , in a sample of 725 copulating pairs of two species of cicada , which are distinguishable but similar in appearance to the human eye , only seven contained members of two species ; the other 718 were matings of the same species .
3 I 'm still using tablecloths with that mark on !
4 Avoid specific terms unless they are further defined ( eg using definitions at 1102.22 )
5 Adam also wrote the De Utensilibus ad Domum Regendam , a treatise composed after returning to his native village which he had left over eleven years before ; its use of quaint and archaic words was designed to show his knowledge of learned terminology in naming objects of everyday life .
6 It seems that the construction workers building galleries in total darkness get their bearings and coordinate their work by sensing the magnetic field of the earth .
7 Nonetheless , very considerable experience of using groups for this kind of research shows that they do tend to produce very consistent results , even where different researchers cover the same problem .
8 The co-processor using groups of small engines , they will explain , is not a mainframe at all and in fact evidence that the mainframe is a gone gosling .
9 As we design more and more committees , task forces , teams and production groups within organizations , we should remember that there are advantages ' and disadvantages in using groups as decision-making devices .
10 In the early years they manufactured and supplied both hand and machine knitting yarns in natural fibres , principally wool and mohair .
11 A consequence of seeing rules in this way is that a very high degree of consensus concerning the rule is to be expected among members cf the group or sub-culture in which the rule applies .
12 A new and powerful medical ideology , crystallizing definitions of normal and deviant female sexuality was the cornerstone of this process .
13 The final design and location of the junction between the Outer City Bypass and the trunk road section of the Musselburgh Bypass are matters to be considered jointly by the Regional Council and the Scottish Development Department when finalising proposals for these schemes .
14 In contrast , those developers whose prime objective is building houses at maximum profit and with minimum care for the environment , may experience difficulty .
15 The relationship between herbivores and plants has often been seen as some kind of arms race , but there have been opposing views in that , for example , spittle-bugs in the dry tropics of West Africa , rather than depleting valuable water resources may promote microbial activity beneath particular tree species , allowing them to take up nutrients in the dry season from the surface layers of the soil , provided that other roots can tap a deep water source .
16 The technique of labelling granulocytes in mixed leucocyte suspensions using Tc-99m HMPAO has previously been described .
17 Studies of the nucleic acid binding activities of retroviral MoMuLV NCp10 and avian pp12 indicate that NC protein has a higher affinity for single stranded DNA and RNA than for double stranded DNA ( 15 , 23–24 ) .
18 Characterization of DNA binding activities in nuclear extracts from Raji , RJ2.2.5 and AR .
19 Also , by using print-outs from various packages , notices using text and graphics can be produced for noticeboards throughout the school .
20 Data sources are imperfect , data handling skills in short supply and the cause-and-effect processes long and complex .
21 Once a hierarchical order of open systems had come into being , natural selection , operating on the elaboration of new hierarchies and new cybernetics , became capable of generating states of greater heterogeneity with integrative systemic control .
22 In a similar way , he developed a totally new technique for studying branching fibres by using pairs of fluorescent dyes , with the potential for being picked up by separate branches .
23 back-up and recovery facilities allowing copies of all data stored on-line to be kept and reloaded in the event of machine failure such as a disk head crash
24 Most traditional vegetables do best in a cool , wet summer , so incorporate as much organic matter as possible and consider using strips of black polythene between rows to reduce the need for watering in a good summer .
25 The idea of using roads for local distribution and the railways for the long-distance trunk haul is as old as the railways themselves .
26 Thus it is very important to read the instructions carefully when using programmes of this nature .
27 The objections that are raised against identity assumptions in respect of meanings in such a context are chiefly motivated by the fear that such assumptions might commit us to accepting meanings as some kind of entities .
28 He should turn it to a profounder end , producing masterpieces in another man 's name .
29 It is by studying the pattern of naming times across such different situations that we can understand where changes in size and orientation affect recognition .
30 However , there is also a case for including acts of gross indecency performed on or with girls of 18 years and below who may still be at school and dependent on their parents , since such acts too may be highly damaging .
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