Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun pl] [conj] being " in BNC.

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1 Through exposure to children on school practice , through attending lectures , writing essays and being reasonably responsible in college we would ( he said ) be ready , in two years , to enter teaching .
2 It must be highly effective against a wide range of micro-organisms on a wide variety of surfaces and operating conditions while being fast acting and unaffected by any cleaning product or other residues which may be present during application .
3 Entertain by scoring goals and being dangerous attacking .
4 One may therefore think of an innovation in teaching methods as being designed to achieve a set of intentions ( eg , changes in pupils ' ways of thinking ) by means of a set of processes which are usually only rather coarsely determined .
5 She had a knack of breaking hearts and being mystified by the effect .
6 Librarians in colleges of education , as befitted people closely in touch with the professional education of teachers , made considerable advances in the integration of the teaching and administrative roles of their collections and their staffs , and increasingly regarded a wide range of teaching commitments as being suitable to them .
7 He would have graduated from sweeping the floor , running errands and being a " reading boy " in his first two years , to distributing type and learning the case , then to typesetting and if he was lucky to making up and imposition , though rarely to the refinements of display work .
8 That 's one of the things , I think , that the Roman Catholics who hanker after the old Latin Mass and its ritual miss the most , and I sympathize with them in the sense that there is n't a great deal of mystery about most of the worship in most of our churches any more , and whilst it 's very right and proper for us to be very busy on practical matters , we must n't forget that there are very mysterious questions about our purpose here , about death and life , which are n't answered simply by doing things and being very busy — in fact , that may be a form of escapism — we need both , and I would hope that there will be room again in Christianity in Europe for worship to become something which speaks to the things I find mysterious , and in that respect I think the interest in spirituality and religious experience , in mysticism , in all those sort of areas about one 's personal religious life , and a lot of it not very orthodox or traditional .
9 Many such wagons spent long periods hidden away in marshalling yards or being used as storage containers on customers ' premises , practices which the business-led Railfreight sector was understandably keen to eradicate .
10 I would like to say that at this point everything changed : I stopped dieting , bingeing , fasting and taking laxatives and being obsessed with food .
11 They do n't care about extending rights or being active as they are more interested in working and paying of debts .
12 There is too much busyness in schools , staff need ‘ dream time ’ too and also the security to try out ideas without becoming nervous about making mistakes or being afraid of failing .
13 She used to engineer situations by throwing freak-outs and being very of-the-wall on more than one occasion .
14 She loved organising things and being with young people , whether it was debating society , Saturday night socials , musical activities , sports , whatever .
15 In a sense Patrick O'Brian may be said to offer two heroes , each capable both of influencing events and being affected by them .
16 Even if they are not visibly disabled , some elderly people reach a stage in their lives when slight muscular weakness and general frailty , combined with a natural anxiety about crossing roads or being jostled off their feet in crowded places , makes going out difficult for them .
17 If it 's like promoting the idea of killing cops as being a good thing , if this band wanted to do a song like that I would n't want to be in the band . ’
18 The day , after a raining start , was a great success , both for raising funds and being able to show the public the progress that is being made with the project .
19 Such social activities as going to adult education classes , taking trips out in their car , going to church , visiting friends and being visited , now happen on a more regular basis .
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