Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Macaulay was attributing rather too much blame to Frederick II of Prussia when he wrote ‘ in order that he might rob a neighbour whom he had promised to defend , black men fought on the coast of Coromandel , and red men scalped each other by the Great Lakes of North America . ’
2 including most notably Local Management of Schools ( LMS ) combine to give governors duties , responsibilities and powers far greater than any previously envisaged .
3 He is putting more structure into his clothes and using rather more natural fibres than man-made miracle fabrics .
4 At 6 he was dispatched to a school at Great Dunham kept by the rector , Richard Ransome , where he remained , enjoying only very brief holidays , until he went to Eton ; nor did he go home for all of his holidays .
5 Follow-up of these students shows that they tend to remain in nursing much longer that the younger applicants .
6 Kuwait , with a capacity of 2,000,000 bpd before the Iraqi occupation and subsequent fire damage , was thought to be producing only about 500,000 bpd , but planned to increase its output to 900,000 bpd by June 1992 and to 1,500,000 bpd by the end of the year as most of its fire-damaged wells came back on stream .
7 We will ensure that a number of carefully selected children from poor homes , including perhaps even some children or grandchildren of immigrants , are allowed to succeed at school , and to go to university .
8 ‘ It 's the usual thing , gathering together enough financial resources to continue for the coming year .
9 Finally , the distinction between health and social care is proving much less clear in practice than in concept , and long running boundary disputes between agencies could erupt unless the problem is considered specifically in joint planning forums .
10 Nothing was hanging together right any more .
11 Individually the trusts were small , usually maintaining only about 20 miles of road , but as they were formed and linked , the basis for a coherent road network was being established .
12 Mr Stewart said events like Europartenariat — a European Community initiative aimed at bringing together over 1,000 companies to form trading links — were important as it could help Scottish companies implement their European strategies by meeting potential business partners .
13 How the glass seems to be bringing together so many of my old themes , he wrote .
14 An Assembly of Citizens of the Russian Federation , bringing together about 4,000 Yeltsin supporters , met on April 5 .
15 [ F ] ew reports have assembled so much wisdom whilst proving so completely useless , as the Report of the Committee on Ministers ' Powers …
16 ‘ His mental state must be becoming rather too obvious .
17 Some tyre levers and allan keys were missing but by driving slowly back I ( or rather we , as I 'd offered some fellow tourists a lift back to town ; what with delays getting started , and then this to-do , I bet they wished they 'd never bothered , it would have been quicker to walk ! — and when we finally did set off again , I accidentally left one of them behind , running along the road behind us waving and shouting ! ) — we , as I say , found most of the missing items .
18 If the fruits of computing in the humanities are less abundant than one might have hoped , there are also disadvantages of the introduction of computers which are becoming all too obvious .
19 These tactics may only be threats , but in the Philippines ’ disappearances ’ are becoming all too common .
20 In county cricket it is rare enough , happening only once last summer when Warwickshire played Hampshire in the NatWest semi-final and both teams had two Smiths on their side , but in Test cricket , the Christchurch match chalked up what looks like a first .
21 Later , Mr Roberts added : ‘ Employing only strictly contemporary documents and some extraordinarily painstaking historical scholarship , Charmley has disinterred and raked over every stratum of the Churchill myth . ’
22 They can go into the furtherance of a chosen goal , and here something of the difference between the ‘ Mistress of the Beasts ’ and the male hunter can be glimpsed , for whereas a man may wrestle openly with every difficulty on the way , women can use more precision and grace , choosing moments with care , sensing the atmosphere , and employing only as much force as is necessary .
23 In 58 ‘ your slave ’ , ‘ your vassal ’ is ready to swallow any insult or neglect , the poem concluding : The second-person pronouns come so thick and fast here that we can not miss the bitter criticism of the Friend setting himself up as a law unto himself , becoming so entirely obsessed with his own pleasures that he betrays their relationship .
24 Now age is taking its toll , with Mr Dunlop and Mr Fullarton part of a dwindling band of veterans , numbering only about 50 in Britain .
25 Last summer we counted over thirty bars in all on our various refreshment excursions to Faliraki , but things are happening so fast that who knows how many there will be this summer ?
26 I suggest that we are becoming inexorably more impatient , intolerant and indolent in the race from A to B , and that there is an all-pervasive belief that the world owes each person an ever more easy and wealthy life .
27 The crust , therefore , is an extremely thin surface layer representing only about 0.5 per cent of the Earth 's radius .
28 It is tempting to speculate whether Local Government will only reassert its traditional independence from excessive Central Government control by finding some way of becoming much less reliant on Central Government grants .
29 First , ever since the war governments had willingly taken responsibility for the management of the national economy and by the late 1960s it was clear that this ‘ management ’ was becoming much less successful : inflation and unemployment were emerging as serious problems and the balance of payments position , upon which Wilson laid such stress , was increasingly precarious .
30 Defending the Met against the forces of the politically correct will require a good bit of cunning but at least New York 's politicians are becoming much less hostile towards public funding of the museums .
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