Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [pron] 's " in BNC.

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1 Referring to WBA and IBF champion Riddick Bowe , he added : ‘ There are two heavyweight champions who are bidding for someone 's services .
2 They do n't go off or nothing — they just stand there laughing like summat 's real funny .
3 NELLIE Rogers should shut up when it comes to interfering in somebody 's personal life .
4 More of a manuscript-script than a masterpiece , it comes complete with its own Nineties dictionary ( eg ‘ Mid-Twenties Breakdown : a period of mental collapse occurring in one 's twenties , often caused by an inability to function outside of school or structured environments coupled with a realisation of one 's essential aloneness in the world .
5 There , the chance of dying in one 's forties is twice that of an inhabitant of relatively salubrious Krakow .
6 There 's nowt nervous on knocking on somebody 's door and saying I Are you ready ?
7 As children , we all got up to tricks like pinching a few apples or knocking on someone 's door and running away — all rather harmless , but if our parents found out , we would be in for a good hiding , a cut on the backside .
8 What we are suggesting is that such an education does not add up to learning to be independent , to participating in and contributing to one 's own community , either as a child or later as an adult , as the aims of education purport .
9 In the end , however , childrearing is very much about values — and these are very individual matters , relating to one 's attitudes , beliefs and style of living .
10 The usual definition of ‘ chutzpah ’ is a small boy peeing through someone 's letter box , then ringing the doorbell to see how far it went .
11 But that weekend you were looking after someone 's spaniel . ’
12 This actual or potential favouring of one 's own interests over and above those of another is a common facet of modern-day life .
13 Nor does one surrender one 's judgment if that means acting against one 's judgment .
14 Have you been meddling with someone 's girlfriend ? ’
15 CAN YOU , just by looking into someone 's eyes , know whether the speaker is telling the truth ?
16 This represents a notional calculation of the benefit gained by living in one 's own house or , in other words , the rent which one would consider paying for the use of the house .
17 For the same quality can be interpreted differently according to one 's point of view , one 's experience , and one 's feelings .
18 Judgements on the sergeants varied according to one 's own eventual rank .
19 There are many more directions than the ones I have mentioned and these may be used according to one 's own particular habit .
20 It is therefore incumbent upon all humans to attempt to control our minds , to pursue some path of mind control , meditation , prayer , yoga or whatever — according to one 's inclinations .
21 His identification with Christ , whom he called ‘ the greatest of all artists ’ , is here , in defeat , at its most sublime or its most ridiculous , according to one 's point of view .
22 Zande conceptions are sufficiently flexible to permit the selection of explanations according to one 's position and interests .
23 The relationship is rather like that of pornography to sexual aggression , cathartic or stimulant according to one 's prejudices .
24 A few years earlier Aung San might possibly have taken to the jungle , bandit or resistance fighter according to one 's viewpoint , known only within a few miles of his own home .
25 This was the Fifth ( or Sixth , according to one 's definition ) such Congress : most had taken place in Europe , but that preceding the Manchester meeting was held in New York in 1927 .
26 Broadly the period 1951–87 can be divided into four parts : 1951–64 , a period of comparatively little social policy innovation which may be regarded as a time of consolidation or stagnation , according to one 's political viewpoint ; 1964–74 , a period of fairly intense policy change stimulated by both political parties , in which considerable difficulties were experienced in translating aspirations into practice ; 1974–78 , a period in which rapid inflation and government by the Labour party without a parliamentary majority administered a severe shock to the political and social system , and to all who believed that there was still a need for developments in social policy ; and 1979–87 , when much more explicitly anti-welfare state Conservative administrations reinforced that shock by deliberately treating inflation as more deserving of its attention than unemployment , attacking public services which were seen as inhibiting economic recovery and seeking ways to ‘ privatize ’ public services .
27 Since 1988 I have been working with Oxford and Jericho Against the Poll Tax and am now participating in a scheme , devised by Oxford Quakers and the Green Party , to pay the tax as a group , according to one 's means : ie. a local income tax .
28 Time was magic , Sally-Anne thought ; it stretched or contracted according to one 's pleasure .
29 Time was when the European Communities were , according to one 's views , but a shaft of sunlight or a thunderstorm on the horizon .
30 Although they have reached an impasse , lasting either a year or 22 years , according to one 's point of view , they must keep trying .
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