Example sentences of "[v-ing] [to] [be] give " in BNC.

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1 Yes , and you get all the animals who are experimented on and you sa there 's not a week that comes out and you do n't an a report saying , oh well this this , this causes cancer in rats or and you , imagine the amount , the huge amounts of the sub , whatever substance it is that had been given to rats to cause the cancer , and there 's no knowing that the amount that 's gon na be given to rats causing cancer , will give cancer to humans !
2 You 're gon na be given
3 That 's what you 're gon na do , you 're gon na be given a pile full of bits of rubble , shells , all sorts , and you 've got to sort them out to different piles .
4 I was taken into the , my wife died in January of nineteen eighty nine , I was taken into the local psychiatric hospital at in the December of nineteen eighty nine and I was told I was gon na be given an experimental drug , I was told nothing about it or any anything to do with any of the side effects , I I was in th I was on Prozac for about four days , I suffered horrendous side effects , shaking and one thing and another .
5 Yes , and that no gon na be given to C C P cadres or to , or to landlords
6 And I 'm gon na be giving you a handout which gives you information about how to calculate it .
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