Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pn reflx] [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 With the Sun Icing himself he had little direct relationship .
2 While I 've been out in the fresh air enjoying myself she 's been stuck in this featureless boarding house , wondering if I 'll ever come back .
3 Tammuz Malamute abused the body Ewan had bequeathed him for years , telling himself he 'd buried the past , until the day he woke up and a voice inside reminded him that Ari Famber was fourteen years old .
4 The two biffos would have come sneaking through the door , rubbing their hands and telling themselves they 'd got me by the balls , and I 'd have pointed the extinguisher and put out their fire .
5 killing herself I have n't even read it out yet
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