Example sentences of "[num] example of this " in BNC.

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1 Breach of promise suits , which allowed individuals to sue for damages if they had been injured by unenforceable marriage contracts and which became increasingly popular in the nineteenth century , provide one example of this development .
2 To explain the nature of legal change Stone offers a model that suggests first , that clients revealed the gap between current values and the law ; second , that this was followed by the attempt of lawyers and judges to narrow the gap , often by inventing legal fictions or effectively changing the law by judicial re-interpretation ( the changing definition of legal cruelty provides one example of this ) ; and third , that all this culminated eventually in legal change when the ‘ level of duplicity and hypocrisy became intolerable to law lords and legislators alike ’ ( pp. 19–20 ) .
3 One example of this is a black inlay material known as niello , which is found on gold .
4 One example of this work is the taped interviews carried out for the Imperial War Museum in London of the remaining survivors of the 1914–18 war .
5 The urban development corporations first introduced by the Conservative government in 1981 are one example of this .
6 One example of this is that the CEGB 's engineering costs for a new coal plant are expected to be 16 per cent higher than for the completion of the coal-fired Drax power station while for a new AGR it expects engineering costs to be 20 per cent lower than for the Heysham II prototype .
7 One example of this has been the production of specific antibodies ( monoclonals ) made by fusing tumour cells and lymphocytes .
8 One example of this concerns the deadly sea snake and a variety of predatory fish .
9 Seaford , a Pelham town , was one example of this , and Bramber was perhaps even more notorious .
10 One example of this imaginative aspect of the campaign was an exhibition of photographs portraying present day Mayo and comparing it with scenes from areas in Ireland where mining had taken place .
11 One example of this early evidence can be found in the Muratorian Canon .
12 One example of this is matters to do with safety : it is always useful to collect ‘ critical incident ’ data as well as accident data as one part of the feed-back about system performances .
13 One example of this changed attitude to the role of the newspaper in the post-War period was the readiness of some newspapers to treat all political parties with equal respect .
14 One example of this is in the chance to meet and work with non ‘ special needs ’ staff .
15 One example of this was the frequent necessity to enter data on transactions twice because of the lack of integration of fundholding and clinical software systems .
16 Gluckman quotes one example of this from the ethnographic literature , an analysis of African village life in which gossiping between one lineage and another is believed to introduce a risk of sorcery .
17 The classroom gives us one example of this , and as we will reveal , one of the places where some form of serious life can be lived is on the football terraces .
18 One example of this " sham reading " is brought to our notice when we realise , on reaching the bottom of a page , that we have not been thinking about what the text means .
19 One example of this type of pricing structure is the system of railcards in the UK , whereby certain groups can buy the right to relatively cheap tickets . "
20 One example of this use of artefacts is derived from the relationship between the discipline of archaeology and the nation-state .
21 One example of this was a remarkable collection of essays , compiled by Elizabeth and Gilbert Glenn McAlister ( 1945 ) .
22 One example of this is the discounts offered to tenants purchasing local authority houses : these were altered in 1984 when sales showed signs of flagging and they were increased on flats in 1986 because few buyers could be found for flats .
23 I have seen one example of this type of key that had an iron shank of over 9cms length .
24 One example of this was an occasion described by Tony Lewis in Double Century ( 1987 ) .
25 One example of this is the Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Service ( HTFS ) , founded in 1968 , now operated jointly by Atomic Energy of Canada , the National Engineering Laboratory and AEA .
26 One example of this is the declining balance method , in which depreciation is recorded as a constant proportion of the depreciated book value ( or written-down value ) over the anticipated life of the asset .
27 One example of this were the experiments of Edward L. Thorndyke who put an animal , usually a cat , in a wooden puzzle box where it had to learn a response , e.g. stepping on a lever to unlock the door and get out .
28 One example of this is the fact that in Africa , we do not have this antagonistic relationship with men .
29 One example of this is the term " Orientalism " , which now has a specialised , polemical meaning , following discussion of the term in Edward Said 's book Orientalism .
30 One example of this is " front running " ; the nearest futures equivalent of " insider dealing " .
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