Example sentences of "[num] who have been " in BNC.

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1 An increasing number of women , perhaps career women in their 30s who have been regular Pill users for several years , may wish to check if they are ovulating before planning the timing of a pregnancy .
2 The clearest example of this is patient 203 from family 2 who has been shown by molecular studies to possess the faulty APC gene .
3 It would , however , be preferable to have a bile duct free of stones , and Johnson et al recently reported that in such patients initially treated with an endoprosthesis , eight of 10 who had been given ursodeoxycholic acid had cleared their stones within six months compared with only one of 10 not given this bile acid .
4 However , by the time of the debate in the Supreme Soviet on May 13 these fears appeared to have faded : in the light of the introduction by most Western governments of tighter immigration procedures for Soviet citizens , Soviet officials estimated that the number seeking to emigrate would be around 500,000 annually , little more than the 454,000 who had been permitted to leave in 1990 .
5 The exception was Dawn Allenby , a woman in her thirties who had been engaged for this first production only and who , two days into rehearsal , had fallen heavily for Richard St Ives .
6 He was a huge man in his early thirties who had been for a time a heavyweight boxer .
7 Of the 35,000 who have been accepted , about 26,000 are expected to be at the start and these will include one of Britain 's most famous athletes , David Bedford , who has slimmed down for his first big race since he retired 11 years ago .
8 After the 1987 election , the parliamentary party had only eleven MPs who had served in the Guards , and a further eight who had been cavalry officers .
9 Obviously a tall , long-legged person will need a big horse ; I recently sold a 17.3hh gelding to a man of six foot eight who had been looking for a long time !
10 Eleven who had been working near the point of irruption had died in the torrent of stinking , clinging , liquid peat .
11 Robert Schuman , the French foreign minister after July 1948 who had been raised on the Franco-German border , was attracted to European unity as a way to bring a rapprochement between the two countries .
12 CASE STUDY 3.4 — MR HAMISH A social worker was called to see an old man in his seventies who had been taken to the police station for shoplifting a tin of corned beef .
13 The first withdrawal of US troops began on Jan. 2 with the return of about 300 troops to the USA , and as of Jan. 7 a total of 3,300 troops had returned home , out of a total of 26,000 who had been in Panama .
14 We see an incredible number of young people , and it worries me immensely that these are people at sixteen who 've been chucked out of their homes , and they are being pushed down by bureaucracy , that they are being penalised for leaving home at sixteen when it is not their own fault , it is the fault of well it is the result of family breakdown that they are being pushed out .
15 Patient 4 who had been operated on before referral received additional radiation therapy .
16 He was of course referring to the members of the Legitimist aristocracy , still loyal to ‘ Henry V ’ , the last of the elder Bourbon line , the grandson of Charles X who had been deposed by the Revolution of 1830 and who lived in exile at Frohsdorf in Bohemia .
17 It guarantees a place to anyone aged 18 to 25 who has been unemployed for over six months , and attempts to offer a place to anyone up to 50 who has been unemployed for over two years .
18 It guarantees a place to anyone aged 18 to 25 who has been unemployed for over six months , and attempts to offer a place to anyone up to 50 who has been unemployed for over two years .
19 It 's I who have been talking to her .
20 ‘ It 's I who have been a fool — for five intolerable , hideously long years , ’ he added softly , gently wiping the tears from her eyes before covering her upturned face with butterfly-light kisses that made her heart sing for joy .
21 Among the thirty-eight who had been politically active , there were more than twice as many Conservatives as anything else — nineteen were Tories , seven Liberal and eight Labour .
22 Israeli groups are planning protests over the weekend , with special attention focusing on a march in Jerusalem by the Peace Now movement in which demonstrators will carry pictures of some of the 130 Palestinian and four Jewish children under 16 who have been killed during the unrest .
23 Police Registration for non EC students is £30 ( All Non Commonwealth students — other than EC Nationals — over the age of 16 who have been admitted to the UK for a period longer than 6 months are required to register with the police . )
24 Thereafter each student passes before the Chancellor , who says ‘ I admit you ’ and at that moment the student changes from being a graduand ( one who has satisfied all the requirements for a degree ) to a graduate ( one who has been admitted to the degree and is entitled to the privileges thereof including use of the designatory letters , e.g. BA , MSc or PhD ) .
25 The Austrian government on Sept. 16 rejected a request for political asylum from Markus Wolf , the former head of East German intelligence from 1958 to 1987 who had been in the Soviet Union for the past year and who was wanted in Germany on charges of espionage .
26 Genscher recalled that the decision embodied in the treaty was a difficult one for all Germans , particularly the millions who had been expelled from their homes in the area annexed to Poland , but that the treaty surrendered nothing that had not been lost long ago .
27 No-one should underestimate the enormous gain in freedom for millions who had been trapped in the oppression of communist dictatorships , but the speed with which the liberation of eastern Europe occurred was so stunning that it raised what we can now see to have been unrealistic expectations of the transition to peace , democracy , and prosperity .
28 In the steerage there were nine who had been dressed , and four in their hammocks who had undergone amputation of the arm or leg .
29 Two others ( of the sixteen ) were also depressed , so out of the nine who had been in care and were currently depressed , seven had also had premarital pregnancies .
30 As Kay Evans was unable to be with us during Notices June Bascombe presented their certificates to the three teachers who qualified in 1982 who had been unable to attend the training day in June .
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