Example sentences of "[num] for [adj -er] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Despite the fact that small companies promise substantially faster growth , the survey revealed that for large companies the median price to earnings ratio was a heady 20.6 , compared with 15.4 for smaller firms .
2 A high-ranking Soviet delegation , led by Deputy Foreign Minister Nikolai Kozyrev , visited Pakistan on Aug. 11-13 , holding meetings with mujaheddin leaders and Pakistani officials [ see p. 38008 for earlier talks ] .
3 See pages 58–59 for further details .
4 For example , multiplex ties of work and friendship have emerged as powerful in this respect ( see Cohen 1982 for examples and L. Milroy 1980 for further references ) .
5 The fighting was a further manifestation of the traditional enmity between Gadabursis , who generally backed the regime of President Siyad Barre in neighbouring Somalia , and Issaqs , many of whom supported the Somali National Movement ( SNM ) in its efforts to overthrow Barre [ see p. 37400 ; see p. 37064 for earlier clashes ] .
6 Telephone 021-200 2244 for further details .
7 The software resides on four network servers , in two versions , 3.1+ for three dimensional modelling and 2.3 for older PCs which do n't have enough power to run the 3D version .
8 See pages 19–21 for further details .
9 Mbongeni Khumalo , a former central committee member of the Inkatha Freedom Party , provided new evidence of Inkatha and South African Defence Force ( SADF ) complicity in attacks on the ANC [ see p. 38663 for earlier revelations ] .
10 As regards the contentious issue of " transplant " cars ( Japanese models primarily assembled in the UK and Spain — see p. 36713 for earlier disputes ) the deal expressed the " expectation " that this production would not exceed 1,200,000 vehicles annually by 1999 , although Andriessen stressed that there was " no relation between imports and this number " .
11 Phone Maid Systems Ltd on 071-253 6900 for further details .
12 While this was partly due to a steep reduction in beef stocks and improved exports of cereals , milk products and olive oil , it was also attributable to a change in accounting practices ( see pp. 35534 ; 35915 for earlier measures ) .
13 A number of psychiatric reports have been carried out but Judge John Turner adjourned the court until April 30 for further details before deciding what action to take .
14 — It was pointed out that the devolution of responsibility to Grade 1 and 2 for lower grades , meant that they would be responsible for the career development and training needs of staff they work with .
15 Call 071–245 1033 for further details .
16 See page 85 for further details .
17 The White Paper sets out the details of the formula ( DSS , 1990a ; see also Millar and Whiteford , 1991 for further details and a comparison with the recently introduced Australian scheme ) .
18 Throughout his tour , which also took in visits to Denmark and Ireland before returning to London on April 26 for further talks with business leaders en route for Johannesburg , de Klerk stressed that foreign investment was needed to underpin his political reforms .
19 Drift nets over 2.5 km in length would be banned in EC waters from June 1 , 1992 [ see pp. 37925 ; 38506 for earlier measures ] .
20 The median total market capitalisation to turnover ratio was also higher for larger companies at 0.96 , against 0.81 for smaller ones .
21 What they wanted to provide very rarely brought expenditure close to this ceiling , so they had little problem in deciding whether the project could or could not cost-effectively support a client ( see Chapter Six for further details of the cost of care ) .
22 Call 081–809 4671 for further details .
23 In this configuration , N185 first flew on May 6 , 1931 , going to the MAEE in 1932 for further trials .
24 In elections to the Legislative Assembly held at the same time , the PUSC won an absolute majority , winning 29 of the 57 seats against 25 for the PLN and three for smaller parties ( one left-wing , two regional ) .
25 For our system the trie structure ( section ) was most appropriate given the need for grammatical , morphological and semantic information in further stages of the script recognition process ( see chapter 4 for further details ) , however the reduced-memory tree ( section 3.3.1 ) also gives fast search times and reasonable memory requirements , especially for experimental purposes with different word lists and test data on a limited memory computer .
26 As well as a series of seminars , we have already published a comprehensive range of support materials designed for staff at all levels ( see page 4 for further details ) .
27 A fourth round of peace talks , adjourned since November , between the government and the Simón Bolívar National Guerrilla Co-ordinating Group ( CNGSB ) , jointly representing the FARC , ELN and the Popular Liberation Party ( EPL ) , opened in Tlaxcala , Mexico , on March 10 but quickly broke down [ see pp. 38187 ; 38283 ; 38333 ; 38387 ; 38433 ; 38570 for earlier talks ] .
28 Telephone 0883 653345 for further details .
29 ( See Chapter 6 for further details . )
30 Telephone 071 499 2046 for further details .
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