Example sentences of "[num] was to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The Bristol 167 was to be Britain 's great new advance on American types such as the Lockheed Constellation and Douglas DC-6 , which did not have the range to fly the Atlantic non-stop .
2 However , I changed my mind about the seriousness of Denning 's pronouncements when it was declared a few weeks later that the case of the Birmingham Six was to be reconsidered .
3 By agreement between the foster mother and the local authority the hearing of the substantive application for judicial review commenced on 11 December 1991 was to be treated as the hearing of the applications under section 10(9) of the Act of 1989 , and the foster mother agreed to the formal dismissal of her application for judicial review if leave were granted .
4 In more ways than one 1979 was to be a momentous year for me .
5 Mrs Thatcher 's election to Party Leader in 1975 was to be immensely significant in the context of post-war politics : the tradition of consensual , one-nation government ( which had dominated Conservative governments since 1951 ) was , if not to disappear , to become far less dominant .
6 Strand two brought in the Irish government and strand three was to be between the UK and Irish governments .
7 But the establishment of the bloc system in the late 1940s was to be a sad end to visions of the New World — Western or Eastern — restoring the balance of the Old .
8 After spending part of the summer at Baden with Constanze , Mozart decided to go on speculation to Frankfurt am Main , where Leopold II was to be crowned Holy Roman Emperor on 9 October .
9 Leopold II was to be crowned King of Bohemia in Prague in October , and a suitable opera was hastily required — in less than two months .
10 1957 was to be the really Super Year !
11 No child under sixteen was to be placed in an adult prison for any purpose .
12 In addition , further renewal of MFN status in 1992 was to be dependent on China meeting stringent conditions concerned with ( i ) improving human rights ; ( ii ) ending the export of goods produced in prison labour camps ; and ( iii ) controlling the sale of ballistic missiles to the Middle East .
13 1962 was to be my big year ; Pop had me weight training three times a week , my statistics were now 40-24-36 and I was in the final of the Mecca ‘ Miss England ’ Contest .
14 That was to change rapidly : 1950 was to be the year when efforts to build a united Europe with British participation came to an end .
15 The ADM-19 was to be led in the Congress by a former guerrilla commander , Vera Grabe .
16 The nature of the conflict fought in the 1370s was to be very different from that of earlier decades , and its effects more dramatic .
17 Oct. 3 was to be a national holiday .
18 Wilson , shut up in her own world all winter , was astonished to learn what everyone else in Florence had known for many a month — French troops had poured into Piedmont and 1848 was to be repeated all over again .
19 If he had hoped for a gentle introduction to the life of the School , he was soon to be disappointed , for 1978 was to be the year in which far-reaching changes were to be set in motion .
20 First of all , clerical taxation in the 1290s was to be based on the new and higher valuation of their livings made for the purpose initially of papal taxation in 1291 ; this assessment replaced that of 1276 which had itself supplanted the valor of 1254 .
21 Val Fajr No 9 was to be the last set-piece operation in the north .
22 Only a lonely rajah or two was to be seen now , solitary figures surrounded by servants , watching through elaborate brass telescopes acquired at one or other of the European stores in Calcutta .
23 Held , allowing the appeal , that although ‘ action ’ in section 69 of the Solicitors Act 1974 was to be construed liberally it could extend only to forms of legal process and did not embrace a statutory demand , the service of which was merely part of the statutorily prescribed procedure for obtaining remedies afforded to creditors by a bankruptcy order and did not of itself initiate legal proceedings ; that a solicitor was therefore not debarred by section 69(1) from serving a statutory demand for payment of his costs before the expiration of one month from the date of delivery of his bill of costs ; and that , accordingly , since the statutory demand and petition were valid , they would be remitted to the district judge for hearing ( post , pp. 1029E–F , G — 1030A , 1031E ) .
24 The Commission approved on Dec. 17 , 1989 , for the third framework programme , its key technology research and development initiative , a budget of 5,700 million ECU over a five-year period of which one-third was to be for research into information technology .
25 Some local societies which had previously formed branches of that organisation may have survived as benefit clubs but nothing of substance is known about these , nor about such non-affiliated organisations as the Liverpool based British Mariner 's Association which in 1857 was to be found at 6 , Columbian Buildings at that port .
26 The idea was that the leading countries on the Evian Committee would join in promoting a public subscription of £20 million , of which £5 million was to be raised in London .
27 Baker said on Sept. 10 that $12,000 million was to be provided by Saudi Arabia , the UAE and the Kuwaiti government , half of it to defray the costs of foreign forces , and half to assist Egypt and Turkey [ see below , but also p. 37728 for Saudi measures against Jordan , the other state most seriously affected by the economic impact of the Gulf crisis ] .
28 The control of 11 federal programmes totalling an estimated $15,000 million was to be passed over to individual states in order to encourage " flexible " spending .
29 The $9,000 million was to be borrowed by issuing short-term bonds to be redeemed in the next financial year by increasing taxes on oil and cigarettes and by introducing a corporate tax surcharge .
30 The final $100 million was to be provided from insurance carriers under directors ' and officers ' liability policies .
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