Example sentences of "[v-ing] [verb] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Or helping to write some plays .
2 Armstrong , meanwhile , was doggedly struggling to create some sort of classification system , a Domesday Book in miniature , for the Cabinet committees .
3 The United States therefore stepped into the European argument , seeking to preserve some semblance of economic consensus .
4 A problem shared is usually a problem halved , whether it is learning how to cope with rheumatism , wanting to lose some weight or caring for an elderly relative .
6 These topics fall into three main groups : ( a ) recognising the pattern of variation and seeking to correlate its occurrence with some environmental factor ; ( b ) seeking to find some differences in ability or behaviour between morphologically-different animals ; ( c ) searching for evidence of selection .
7 The plain fact is that in most of your interactions with other people you are seeking to exert some influence — to persuade .
8 We 'd been moaning to Malcolm about wanting to play some gigs .
9 James II was also at this time seeking to win some support from the Nonconformists .
10 ‘ Liverpool had also bought Mark Wright and when a club has spent more than £5m they are bound to be looking to recoup some money .
11 I was very happy with the African work , and it 's left me wanting to do some exploration work , travelling expeditions and so on , as well as pure sports work . ’
12 Something made me linger at the bottom of the grand staircase , near the bust of Unamuno , pretending to read some notices about student societies .
13 The decision of the Divisional Court bears the marks of a rescue operation , seeking to save some sanity for transport policy in London and for the right of statutory authorities to exercise statutory powers within the statutory terms given to them .
14 A number of reviews of Karajan 's early recordings with the Philharmonia Orchestra were written by the precociously gifted Andrew Porter , a critic often quoted by the anti-Karajan lobby or adulatory biographers looking to add some grist to the mill .
15 Some people are wanting to bury some body here . ’
16 ‘ I met that young man Billy Sullivan in the park the other day , ’ Annie said casually , wanting to glean some information about him .
17 Precisely because it is seeking to bring some awareness of spirituality to those mostly brought up in a spiritual desert , great care is needed to avoid conveying misleading impressions .
18 In the semi-final they meet James Talbot and Michael Nutt of the Old Bleach Club , who will be seeking to gain some compensation after they were in the Old Bleach side which lost this season 's CIS Irish Senior Cup championship final to Carrickfergus by a mere five shots .
19 The audit regime has teeth and , through refusing to register some firms and imposing conditions on others , the Institute has demonstrated that it is not afraid to bite .
20 That was why the Liaison Office , looking to make some gesture of welcome had invited Maxim .
21 After all , since there are postnominal attributives , and since attributive adjectives have the function of helping to identify some entity , and since associatives certainly do this even though their referential locus is different from that of the noun qualified , the reason for the gap is not obvious .
22 I remember going to see some works by the artist Klement Redko .
23 Are you going to see some family or what ?
24 ‘ The men were going to see some action , or ‘ have some fun ’ as they put it , and that was quite enough to render them light-hearted and care-free . ’
25 ‘ I 'm going to see some patients in Santa Barbara , and I thought you 'd like to come , since you took it upon yourself to interfere in the Freitas family 's life . ’
26 I think it 's more constructive ; we 're always going to make weapons of some kind , ships of some kind , boats , we 're always going to drive some kind of vehicle , and we 're always going to need hospital equipment .
27 No index is shown here , but this would be the last stage in the compilation of the scheme ; besides attempting to classify some items by the scheme , the index serves to check the scheme 's likely effectiveness .
28 In the film Hospital George C. Scott plays the administrator attempting to impose some order on the chaos of misadventure , accidents , and disasters passing themselves off as medical care .
29 She was going to pick some flowers for Jenny 's room .
30 Are you going to pick some sort of album or something then ?
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